Join business strategist Tina Tower as she explores how to build your empire by packaging your expertise into online courses, speaking, content, podcasting and credibility.

Tina has over 17 years of experience in starting, building and selling companies, she's a speaker, teacher, mama and world traveller.

She's unapologetic about living an intentionally big life and if you want too, this show is designed to show you many different options to help you gain clarity over YOUR version of awesome.


  • Success is a balance of both mindset and strategy 
  • Too much focus on mindset leaves you feeling deflated, discouraged and ashamed if you fall short of your goal. In reality, it could have a lot to do with strategy. 
  • The 6 different mindset beliefs that are essential to your success 
  • How to decide on the strategy that’s right for your business 

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I know that you're the expert and you've got all of your subject knowledge nailed - now it's time to build the business behind your online course and stop being the worlds best kept secret. 


Show transcription 



[0:00] Like a lot of entrepreneurs, I got into personal development at a really young age, probably, I would say a little younger than most because of my upbringing. My parents were into Amway and Network 21. When I was in my —like around about 10-11 years old. And so while my house, I don't know if you know, my backstory or not, but it was a pretty toxic upbringing that that I had, and I left home at 13. Anyway, that's a whole other story. But the good part was, I was very exposed to like this. Artificial, I guess you could say, I mean, it's not artificial, it's helpful. I love personal development. I have done a lot of it. But I do think that it can be misunderstood. I think that sometimes we can end up all psyched all pepped up on goofballs already to tackle the world. And we can sprint in the complete wrong direction. And I think that that is something that we need to be more aware of. 


[1:19] So mindset work is nothing new. It has been around. Well, it's been around for as long as I've known it, starting with Jim Rohn. In what, like the 60s. And before that, there was other iterations of that he kind of brought it into this mainstream media kind of place. And then he trained Anthony Robbins. And then obviously, we all know what's happened with Anthony Robbins rise to fame and how many people he's inspired to then take over that work for the world as well. 


But today, I want to talk to you about the balance of mindset and strategy. Because so often, I see people focusing a lot on mindset, focusing a lot on the inner work and thinking that you know I see sometimes a bit of a toxic sort of environment that if someone doesn't do well, I've seen this in someone else's program before and it really hurt my heart a little bit. And it kind of comes off what I've been ranting about lately, not everyone is created with the same opportunities that we all have. 


And so what I saw was someone's launch didn't go very well, their business didn't go very well. And they were kind of like shamed into this, that they didn't have the right mindset that they weren't believing in themselves enough. And the only reason that they didn't get there was because they didn't believe they could. And it was all this like mindset stuff that would have left the person feeling like absolute shit, they would have been there going, Okay, what did I miss? It's all my fault. It's all in me. And I don't like that. Because what I do believe and what I have seen to be true time and time again, is mindset plays a massive part in success. Right? Massive, it is about a 50-50 split. Maybe that's being generous, I would say 60-40 with 60 strategy, 40 mindset. 


And today, I'm going to tell you a couple of stories. And I'm going to share with you the six mindset things that I think are all you need. The six most important things that once you get them sorted, you're unstoppable. But then you need the strategy. And this is what, you know, if I use the example of the woman that I that I just used with the mindset, you know, I wanted to go, well, what strategy were you using? You know, how did you launch? And was that in alignment with you? If you try and launch in a way that's not aligned with you and feels horrible and stressful, then that's not going to work? Because it's the wrong strategy? Or did you have like your web pages, simple things all hooked up properly? Was something broken? Did you do a webinar? Did you do a challenge? Did you do a pain or a free challenge? Did you like there are so many moving parts in strategy, that if you're not aware of them, you could have the greatest mindset in the world. And you'd be sitting there at the end of every month going, why aren't I making my millions yet? It's because of strategy. And so that's what I want to share with you today. Let's get to it. 

[4:35] Hi, friend. I'm Tina Tower, a business strategist and digital online Empire Builder. I've been in business since I was 20 years old, and I've since built and sold for businesses. I started in the world of online courses in 2017 and grew to a seven figure annual turnover in just under two years. To say I love the game of business is an understatement. I'm a world traveler, a mama, a best selling author, and I love the freedom that we have to create the business and life that we want to live, it takes courage to break the rules and shake things up and do it your way. Through her Empire Builder, I share my experience and bring you lessons from some of the world's best to help you dream big plan well, and take massive action, it is absolutely possible to run a thriving, growing business that positively impacts the world and have a beautiful personal life without hustling and working yourself into exhaustion. I want that for you. Let's enjoy the journey, my friend.

Main episode 

[5:41] So we as humans can be pretty nasty to ourselves, right? If I was to have a live recording of everything going on inside your mind on a daily basis? Yeah, it's probably some of it is really positive. And some of it you would never dare say to someone that you love. And so I do know that mindset has so much to do with how we feel, what we do in life, and how much we can actually achieve. You need both, you need both mindset and strategy. 


[6:20] And so my first example, right? When I started my business, I was 20 years old. So that was nearly 18 years ago. Oh my gosh, getting so old. Anyway, digressed. I'm starting to get like I'm nearly 39. And I'm trying to on the weekend I was researching like, is there anything that I should do before 40? Like getting into that stage? If you have good tips for that if you've done something really cool for your 40s totally like off topic, but can you send me that on Instagram because I'm looking for inspiration? Where was that? Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. 


So when I was in my early 20s, and I just started business, I was trying to figure out why I wasn't successful. Right. I had started at a young age. Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, read all the books, Og Mandino, like every couple of weeks Mark Victor Hansen, like all of the old style mindset stuff, I was right into it, I was like, You know what, I don't like the reality of my life, I want to change it. And I was very hungry to take ownership of that, and to create a better future for myself. 


And so I went into, like, this overdrive of ambition of going, you know, leave it on the field, I'm going putting it on the line, I'll never quit all our work, everyone, I'd go for it. Like I was all of that. But I wasn't getting anywhere. You know, like a lot of small businesses, a lot of small businesses don't make more than 100-200,000 a year. And I wanted to make millions. And so for me, like people will see my business now. And they'll go, wow, you've had so much success. Are you surprised? No. The only thing I'm surprised about is that it took me so long. And the reason it took me so long was because I was using the wrong strategies. I was using strategies that weren't aligned with me, I was using strategies of old dudes from yesteryear, if I hadn't found the strategy that was going to align with who I am as a human, with what my values are with the contribution I want to make to the world with the lifestyle I want to have with being a mother, with being a wife, with having friends with wanting to travel, all of that requires different sorts of strategy. 


[8:47] And I remember there's a couple of stories that I want to share with you. One of them was I met this really successful guy at this networking thing. And all I could think, because kindness is one of my highest values. I think as humans, you know, the world is hot enough as it is. And we don't need to spend any time or energy on people that are just unkind. Like, we just don't need that in our lives. And this man, oh my gosh, I still remember the conversation because I was like, He's going to be like the meanest asshole I have ever met, like ever. And the things he was saying about his clients about his staff, and I'm just like, horrified. Anyways, so this cranky, cranky dude.


He made 10s of millions of dollars like in a local business. He was just raking it in and I remember like I'm very curious about people and their stories and how they make things work and what they do and I remember like thinking about it for ages off during going, you know, I'd been trying to be the light and have the abundance mentality and this guy had nothing but luck and he was not generous, he was tight ass. he was horrible. And I was like, but he is successful. I mean, I wouldn't call it success. It's not my definition of success. Because, I mean, imagine being human being that cranky, like, you know, the type like the red face, because their blood pressures that high, because they just thought that at the time, but he'd been successful in the way of going, he's figured out the business strategy, that he could turn the tap on and make money as much as he wanted whenever he wanted, and that fascinated me. 


And so what I figured out from that was, you know, what, there are some mindset things that he has that has enabled him to do this. And it's not all the pink fluffy shit that we see all over Instagram that made him be able to achieve that. And so that comes into my six top mindset things that I'm going to share with you shortly, as well. But to me, it was like, you know what he is so strategy based. And so that was kind of the example that got me into strategy that started making me think, okay, I don't want to be that. But I also don't want to be the most positive broke girl around. So what am I missing? And how can I make that link? 


[11:20] So then another story that I wanted to share with you was the story of my house that I sold this week. And this is actually what gave me the idea for this episode. So because I was into personal development at a young age, I was, you know, into making my riches. And so I went to property development seminars, I went to Robert Kiyosaki, I read all his books, and I was like, you know what? I can see it. I'm going to be a property tycoon. Let me at it. And this was 20 years ago. So what was that like? Early 2000s? How is 20 years ago, the early 2000s Oh, my God, that's, that's a little horrifying.


 Anyway, so it was early 2000s, and loans were pretty easy to get. So at 18, I bought my first apartment, in Canberra, in Australia, and then in when I was 19, a year after that, so I was living at home, I was a full time Uni student studying primary school teaching. And I had three casual jobs on the side. And I wanted to borrow money. And in this day and age, that is very difficult, but then you could kind of, you know, declare your income as a self employed person or like just self declare, and they will give you the loan. And so that is what I did. I was like, okay, so I went to this seminar. And they said, you need land. Like, don't buy apartments. Don't buy townhouses, like you need, you need the land grab. And I was like, Yeah, okay, like, I trust you, I'm gonna get the land. I couldn't afford the land because I like even if the bank will give me the loan, obviously, I've got to be able to afford to pay it. And I've always been very budget conscious. So I always know exactly. Even right now like my whole life, I can tell you what all my bills are, what my liabilities are every week, how much money I can spend frivolously, and how much I can save, and how much goes to investments and how much goes to charity and all of that sort of thing. very controlled, very disciplined. Oh, so I knew what I could afford. 


And so what I did, and this is where strategy comes into it was I searched for three bedroom houses because it had to be a three bedroom house because that was what a good investment was obviously I misunderstood. I was 19 you guys don't hold it against me. Anyway, let me go with the story without trying to like criticize myself and caveat it for you on the way because I don't want you to think I'm silly, but also 19, we learn, and I had no guidance. I had no one telling me yes or no. 


Anyway, I did a real estate search and I searched for every three bedroom house in the country. And then I changed the sorting from least expensive to most expensive. The least expensive home was $55,000, 3 bedroom home in a mining town in North Queensland at the top of Australia. And I was like, okay, 55,000 I can afford I've got $5,000  for a deposit, which at that time, I was already paying a mortgage. I was a full time student. I wanted to pay my uni fees as I went because they charge you an extra 25% to get it as a loan on like a hex debt. So I wanted to pay up front because you know, always the money saver. 


And so I had a lot of financial liabilities so I couldn't afford much. So I save 5000 which was a huge amount for me. And I knew I could support the repayments for the for the $50,000 loan path plus the costs. So I was like I okay, this is going to be good. It was renting out for $200 a week. So from a rental return point of view, oh my gosh, amazing. Anyway, I bought it on the internet. I never saw it. I still have never seen that house. Matt has gone to that house, my husband, and he came back and he's like, Tina, you can't ever go there. Like, I don't think you'd set foot inside. You feel like you may fall through the floor. It's so bad. Like so bad. Anyway, I bought the house, it rented out and then about 10 years in the mind shut down. And so then it was empty for about eight years. And now I have someone living in there, really just to cover the lawn mowing, so they paid $50 A week rent. And they mowed the lawns because I kept getting fined by the Council for having overgrown lawns, because I was paying a lawn mower person, but because obviously I'm so far away, and they're like City Slickers. They weren't actually mowing the lawn. So I kept getting fined. And there's not many choices in small mining towns. So yeah, so this all happened. And it got me thinking, so we sold it this week. It all settled, and I am very, very happy. It's been on the market. This is the third time and it's been on for nearly two years. This time, and we've sold it for 90,000. So, you know, 35,000 more than what I paid 20 years ago. Good investment? No. Because my strategy was wrong. Now, it's not all bad. I you know, refinanced that home when we bought our first lake home to live in. And so it's served its purpose. It's been very good to me, it's taught me a lot of lessons. It's been my friend.


But it got me thinking about strategy and going gosh, like the properties that we've bought since such a different and I cannot believe that I used the strategy of just yeah, cheapest house in the country. That'd be a good idea. Like, you know, and so I was telling Matt, this, and he was like, Yeah, this is what people think with strategy versus mindset. And I'm like, Yeah, because I had all the mindset, but I didn't have the right strategy. 


[17:31] And the thing is, there is no one right strategy. And that is the frustrating part. So like, in her Empire Builder, my membership, I had a guest expert come in last week, and she was talking about pay to play launches. And she was like, does this go in alignment with your strategy, like, I don't want to disagree with your philosophy, and like your ethos, and, and your methodology. And in her Empire Builder, we have a methodology, but we do not have a one size fits all. So we have our million dollar master plan that you kind of follow through in terms of you need to have the system sorted, and the team sorted and your ascension model sorted and your money sorted and all of the different areas of business, because I really do think strategically, we need the business behind the online courses, you can have the best online course in the world if you're the best kept secret, like no one will ever find you. So marketing is a big part. 


Anyway, we've got all the different strategies in there. Now one of the hard parts is that I don't have a methodology of like, you know what, the only way to launch your course is with a live launch. Or the best ascension model is to start with a six week course, lead it into a year mastermind and then have high end private coaching, that may be the best strategy for Michelle, over there. Or it could be the worst, because she may hate launching an online course, she may hate maintaining an ongoing membership. And maybe she loves coaching more or whatever it is. 


So what I do, what I say my job is doing is to show here are all the different strategies. And then I think it's so important for you, as the business owner, to never abdicate responsibility in choosing the strategy that's going to lift your business to the level that you want it to. It's only you that can decide, is this aligned with me? Does this strategy work for me? Imagine when you're looking at different strategies of going if this works, if I implement this is this enjoyable to actually implement and do and the different strategies have to work in harmony together so there's always some that make sense and that will make sense to you. The important part is actually choosing a strategy and sticking with it. 


Often I see people, like they try one thing for one launch. And they're like, Okay, I didn't get rich in that one, chop it change. Next one. So you've got to kind of stick your strategy for a while, you could get that traction, or I see people that have no strategy at all. And they're kind of flailing about, you know, thinking all these things, and doing all of this mindset work, but not actually knowing what their KPIs are, where their clients are, where they're coming from, what their needs and wants are, how often they need to launch, how to get their personal goals, how to get their financial goals, like, all of those different things. 


You know, to me, it's the fun work is figuring out all of those parts of the puzzle, and then putting them all together. And that is highly strategic. And if you don't like strategy, you have no business being in business, it is as simple as that. I see a lot of people through sheer great marketing, fluke their way into success. And it's unsustainable, because once you get a whole lot of customers into your business, damn straight, those customers are expecting excellence from you, if you miss different things, if it's not good enough, they're gonna leave in droves. And then your reputation is damaged. So the strategy is so incredibly important. Equally, so is the mindset because you could have all the strategy. But if you don't have the right mindset, key points, you're not actually going to do the things in implementation of the strategy that will allow you to get the business to the level that you want it to get to. 


[21:33] So I've narrowed down to the six mindset things that I think are the most important. So number one, is the belief and a lot of these are the beliefs around it. And when I talk about these, what I want you to do is to kind of question yours at the same time and go do I believe that to be true? And if not, why not? And where can you develop that? And how can you work on that? And is it something that is actually important to you or not? So number one is the belief that I can do this, that I am capable. Now, this is one of the ones that I think holds people back more than anything. I have always one of my biggest strengths as an entrepreneur, is the belief that I can I have had on my wall, since I started my first business when I was 20. I can, I will, watch me. And that for me, I read and see all the time. Because I see other people in the world doing great things. And I think if they can do it, why can’t I? Yeah, I'm really, really lucky in the country that I was born in the skin color I was born with the education I had access to, like, really, as a white woman in Australia. If I can this sounds Oh my gosh, I nearly just said something. So Anthony Robbins, if I can dream it, I can achieve it.


But it's true. I really think that I'm in a really privileged position, where just because of my background, just because of my ethnicity. The opportunities are there. And I think I can do it. And so I'm never held back by the I can't do that, like the growth mindset of oh my gosh, I can learn anything. Like of course I can. If I want it badly enough, that result is worth the pain in the struggle? Of course it is. So that's what I want you to question. Do you believe the dream that you have the dream that you have for your ideal life, the dream that you have for your business goals? When you actually think about it? Do you believe in your core? Do you believe in your heart of hearts? I can do this. And if not, you'll self sabotaging. It won't always be obvious, but you will. So that's one thing to look at. 


[24:00] The second is the belief again, my success is inevitable. As I said before, when people ask me am I surprised about my success? The only thing I'm surprised about is that it took so long. Because I have always believed It's inevitable. It's only a matter of time. And I don't yet have the right strategy. So I was always going you know what, I just have to try different things view at like a constant curious experiment. Stick it if this doesn't work, I'm going to try a different strategy. I'm going to add I'm going to flow until I find my thing because I always knew I was destined for a life less ordinary. I've always known I was going to create something epic. I have always known that I will be a wealthy woman. I have always believed It's inevitable. 


And that means I don't get stressed out by failure, which I think is one of the biggest things that holds people back, is when I fail. I'm like, Okay, that didn't work. I mean, it never feels good, right? No one wants to fail. But for me, I can look at it and not see failure is like absolution, I don't see failure as an indication that, oh, I'm not meant for this, or Oh, my gosh, I'm not good enough for this, I see it as wrong way turn back, like, let's, let's go a different avenue. Let's take a different road here. And I see a lot of people that hit those stumbling blocks that that get there and instead of climbing up them, they just, that's their wall, they just stop right there. And so you do have to believe that your success is inevitable, so that you can open that growth mindset and start trying new things and not being so afraid of failure. 


[25:53] Number three, is the belief of “I deserve it”. And this one is hard. Because a lot of us have different childhoods this was the one that I've had to work on the most is the deserve ability. And weirdly, in myself and in a lot of friends that I have that I've got their business to a certain level, is they will sabotage the success once it gets to the level that they've got. They've always wanted it to be at because it's kind of like, we're comfortable in this struggle. Like anyone that runs a business, what you're really good at is problem solving where you thrive is problems. Like there's no point in complaining about problems. Because when the solve itself, the problems, it's like, awesome. Okay, let's get into this. 


You know, we're good with the struggle where we're not good is the ease and the success because it takes a lot of work to get to success. And so it can feel very uncomfortable. Because a lot of us associate the hard work with success. And so when you pass the point at the beginning of business where you're totally overworked and underpaid, then you kind of reach that tipping point where you become more underworked and overpaid. 


And at that point is when this mindset thing of I deserve, it really kicks in. I mean, for some people that can kick in a lot at the beginning, as well of you know, are you even deserving of success, I mean, what's deserving, who deserves something more than someone else? I think if you, if you have the opportunity to achieve your dreams, it is your responsibility to take it. And of course, you deserve it. 


[27:35] And so that is number three, number four, is enjoying the work. So linking into what I just said, then, is problem solving. So I know and this is also what I've been ranting a little bit about lately. I know it's really cool at the moment to say I only work 10 hours a week, and I outsource everything. Like, why are you in business in the first place? Like to me a proper business is when you're building something that matters. When you actually want to do the work. You don't want to just go and sit on the beach or do gosh knows what. Because your favorite thing to do outside of family leisure health is the work that you're doing. And until you find the business, I push it uphill with a lot of different businesses because I didn't enjoy the work. I enjoyed aspects of the work. But the work that was going to be the part that was going to actually grow the business to the next level. I didn't enjoy it at its core. 


The reason that Her Empire Builder has taken off so much is because I frickin love it. I would love it if it didn't pay me anything. I'm like, this is the most fun I have ever had in business in my life. It astounds me that I get paid so much to do something that's so freakin fun. And so of course, it's going to go well because I enjoy the work. And so if right now, and there's always aspects, like I don't mean like it's all happy, happy Joy, Joy. Of course, there's components of a business that are going to be harder that are going to cause you more angst that are going to cause you more resistance and pressure. But you have to even find the ease. Once you accept the heart and accept the pain, it does become more enjoyable because you're like, well, so it should you know not everyone gets to create a really profitable, thriving growing business. And if you want to be one of those few that actually get to the success level. Then you've got to learn to embrace it. You've got to learn to enjoy those aspects. You've got to learn to be able to go you know what problems are great problems, allow me to solve something and move on up and I am all about moving on up. So that is number four. 


[29:58] Number five: money is good, not evil. And I want a lot of it. That is definitely, definitely the one thing that all people that I know with successful businesses have in common. Now what you determine as an individual, as doing good with your money is different for everyone, I was having this conversation with someone about charity the other day, and how, you know, some people will like what your setpoint is before you feel like you have enough to be able to give. And I was like baffled by people's answers. But it's the belief of money is good, we can do very good things with our money. And I want a lot of it so that I can do those good things. 


If you are there, if you've got those old money blocks, and those old kind of programming in your mind of going money is evil. Money causes pain, money causes arguments, money is dirty money, like all of those negative connotations around money, or even a little bit of it, it will definitely, of course, not flowing as much. And there's a lot of different things that you can do to change that. I remember like my mom used to like, every time she'd see someone driving a BMW, she'd go, wanker, because wealthy people were wankers. And so in my previous business, like back in 2011 2012, I bought a BMW, mainly for the reprogramming of my belief around wealthy people. And I know that can sound insane.

I got to drive a really nice car, because of the reversal of that money belief. And I wanted to catch myself, every time I had a negative connotation towards money. 


Every time I felt bad about finances, every time I judged someone negatively for the amount of money that they either aspired to or earned, I questioned why. Why was that triggering me? Why did I feel bad about myself because of what they were doing when it doesn't affect me whatsoever? And how can I put that into my life, that's going to allow more financial freedom, more financial abundance, because I do want a lot of it, there are a lot of good things that I do with my money, but I also take very good care of our family. And I want to for the rest of my life and for generations to come, I would love to be able to hand on legacy wealth to our children and our grandchildren and change the state of our family's finances. And so I do one a lot of it. And I make no apology for that. And there is a reason why I make a lot of it is because I do believe everything that I've said so far, but also, that I do the things to produce it, because one of my values is to create that financial wealth and create that financial freedom. And so I found when I didn't, when I said, You know what, money's not important. I only care about the work. And I care about the value and the impact and the contribution, which was very, very true.


I didn't think that they could coexist together. And if you've read my book, one life, you've heard this story. But in 2012, I went to Uganda with The Hunger Project. And I just, it was the first time that I'd really got into the depths of poverty. And there was a two sisters there. And we'd gone to I won't tell the whole story, but we what they contributed, because I don't want to take up too much time. So in a nutshell, The Hunger Project to build Epi Centers, throughout communities with the idea that they become self sufficient within a certain amount of years. So they start food banks and schools and doctors and microfinance loans and all of the things to kind of lift the community up, and then they pull out and it's community around. So it's a beautiful ethos.


But it costs around a million dollars to set up and establish one of these Epi Centers. And so there was all these towns, we went into a town that was very far away from any of the epicenters, and the sisters went and talked to each other. And then they came back and they said, Yeah, we'll do it. We'll build one here. And I was just like, Wow, imagine being able to see a problem and go, I can fix that. Here's some money to do it. I was like, Oh my gosh, this is the greatest thing I've ever seen. 


So I was in my late 20s At the time, and they changed my mindset on money is good, not evil, and I want a lot of it. Up until that point, as I said, All I cared about was contribution and value. And I was never really making the money because to me money was going to mean that I was no longer as ethical, that I only cared about money and I didn't care about people anymore. Like that was the belief that I had in my mind. And they showed me. Yeah, they can coexist, you can make great contribution and impact in the world and be a super kind, generous person, and won a lot of money. Those two can coexist. So that was awesome. 


[35:22] And then number six, is the belief I can learn, adapt, and grow. And this for me, you know, it's just normal growth mindset stuff in going, we never have it all figured out. There is no finish line. I will never get to the stage in my business where I go, Okay, this is the finish line, we're done. There is never the final whistle in this game. 


The goalposts are constantly moving, and that's probably in our sporting analogies. But they are and times are changing faster now than ever before. I know in my first 10 years of business, things were pretty much the same, like you kind of once you got your strategy dialed in, it was just like, rinse and repeat. 


Now, especially in this wonderful world of online business, if you are doing something implementing strategy, like six months later, 12 months later, it's going to change, it's going to be different. If you want to stay at the top of your field, and be teaching other people really great things you have to continually learn, adapt and grow. And it's this recognition of you don't have it all figured out. And of course, you don't know things. And so one of the things it just happened only yesterday, I was sometimes when I build things or make things

online, I will go live into my members group so that I can share that. And someone sent me a message after and when I just don't know if I can do this, like how did you you're so tech savvy, how did you figure all of this out? Right? No one comes out of the womb, knowing tech, I mean, our kids now a much more, you know, good way than we were I didn't have a computer until university.


And for some people, it was even later than that if you're older.

And so for me, I was going well, of course, I don't know how to do things. And when new software comes out, and new changes happen, like you don't know. And but what I believe is I can learn, adapt and grow. And so I am never afraid to look like the idiot, I am never afraid to ask the stupid questions. I am never afraid to grow because I open something up and I go, right, let's learn this thing. Let's do it. Let's give it a shot. And that ability has allowed me to leapfrog past so many people because they're in the same industry or doing a similar thing. And going. This is kind of my area of expertise. But I'm not good at this part over here. I can do all the parts of my business. And I know I shouldn't do all the parts. And I have have staff to do a lot of the parts now that we've got to the level that we're at. But I love that I know everybody's job intimately because it means I can communicate better, it means I can make systems better. It means I can follow everything. And I know my business really, really well. And as things change, I don't get scared about that. 


When new things happen. I mean, look at what's just happened in the world. When COVID hit there, I had no fear around what's going to happen to my business because I was going well. I can learn, adapt and grow. Like whatever happens. pretty resilient. I know I can just pivot and go where my market needs me to. And a lot of people went into full blown panic. And so as times change and as software changes, and as your market changes, like you need to be able to just learn, adapt and grow. If something's not working, change it, pick the new strategy, and on we go. 


[38:58] So that's the sixth, I can do this. I'm capable. My success is inevitable.

I deserve it. I enjoy my work. Money is good, not evil. And I want a lot of it. I can learn, adapt, and grow.

And let me tell you, my friend, once you have got all of that, and you align it then with the right strategy that feels good for you that matches your goals. You are absolutely unstoppable. Like you will hit that success mark so quickly. It's ridiculous. And you'll it's like the J curve where you struggle and struggle and struggle and struggle and you're like this is taking so long. Why is it taking so long and then all of a sudden? Boom? There you are world. Are you like, well now it's so easy. Where was that when it was so hard?

And usually, when that rise happens is when all of these mindset things, click into place, and combine themselves beautifully with that right strategy. And when you have both sides of that coin working in unison together, oh, life gets a lot more fun. So I hope that helps. mindset and strategy, not just strategy, not just mindset, both of them. Go Big.


[40:31] Thank you so much for listening to this episode of her Empire Builder. If you loved it, please share it on Instagram for your friends and be sure to tag me at Tina underscore tower so I can say thank you. And if you really want to deliver me smiles, you can pop a review on Apple podcasts. I would love to hear from you. So if you have any questions at all, email me at [email protected]. And if you would like to work with me further, all of the free resources and my courses can be found at Now I truly hope this podcast gives me so much value and you can use it to dream big plan well and take massive action in building your very own empire. That's just for you. Have the greatest day