Join business coach Tina Tower as she explore's how to build your empire by packaging your expertise into online courses, speaking, content, podcasting and credibility.

Tina has over 14 years of experience in starting, building and selling companies, she's a speaker, teacher, mumma and traveller. She's unapologetic about living an intentionally big life and if you want too, this show is designed to show you many different options to help you gain clarity over YOUR version of awesome.

199: Adding An Online Course to Service Based Business with Sandra Chau

Join us for an inspiring episode with Sandra, a trailblazer in the world of online education. With years of experience under her belt, Sandra opens up about the highs and lows of her entrepreneurial journey, including the frustration of a not as expected course launch and the evolution of her offerings to provide unparalleled value to her clients.

Discover how Sandra pivots from lengthy video courses to bite-sized mini-lessons tailored to specific areas of her niche. Get a glimpse into her bold move to close a membership program that no longer aligned with her vision. And learn how Sandra balances her busy life as a business owner and a loving mother while building a team to help her scale and succeed in the digital space.

In this episode, Sandra shares:

  • Her disappointment with her second course launch
  • The creation and evolution of her first offer
  • Why she closed her membership program
  • Balancing business and family, prioritizing family during launches
  • Managing time and workload while being a mother
  • Challenges of moving into the digital space and team support.


Join us for an in-depth look at Sandra's journey as an online course creator, and gain valuable insights into how she has overcome challenges and built a successful business.

Sandra's Links:

Resources page: https://schoolofvisualbranding.com/empire
Branding Shoot Method®: https://schoolofvisualbranding.com/empire-bsm
IG: @sandrachaudesign
Website: www.sandrachau.com and www.schoolofvisualbranding.com


Show notes at tinatower.com/199

198: The Duality of An Entrepreneur with Natalie MacNeil

In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Natalie as she shared her unique approach to creating courses by relying on her intuition instead of constantly seeking external feedback.

Join us as Natalie delves into the importance of disconnecting, resetting your mind, and honoring your ideas. Natalie shares what she does and doesn't do when tapping into her intuition and how she balances spirituality and strategy when running her business to create a unique experience.

Finally, she opens up about her philosophy on building wealth and making investment decisions. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to tap into their inner wisdom and take control of their course creation journey.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why loving the process and being open to experimenting is the greatest quality of a course creator
  • Natalie's advice to tap into her intuition
  • Why Natalie sits in the moment to remain clear and connected
  • How she can balance being strategic as well as in her inner experience when running her business
  • Natalie's team structure that allows her to have space in her business
  • Investments, building wealth and knowing when to spend or invest

And SO much more!

I know you'll get a lot out of today's conversation, and I hope you love it!


About Natalie MacNiel:

Natalie MacNeil is an Emmy Award–winning media entrepreneur, bestselling author, and Certified Professional Coach. She is the founder of Coaching Evolved, and leads its ICF-accredited Professional Coach and Transformational Embodiment Facilitator Dual Certification program. Natalie has been listed on the Levo 100 as a "transformer of our generation" and featured by Inc. as one of "27 women leaders changing the world." She has been featured in Elle, Glamour, People, TIME, Forbes, Inc., Entrepreneur, and more.

Connect with Natalie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nataliemacneil/


Show notes at tinatower.com/198

197: The NEW Female Course Creator Show

I am so excited for the year ahead and this podcast's exciting name change. Today I’m sharing what sparked the change from Her Empire Builder Podcast to The Female Course Creator Show and why it will help me achieve global domination!

Also, I will talk to you about my plans for 2023 and all of the incredible things I have in store for you. As well as what I’m planning to do less of this year, what I’m adding into the mix and the changes I’m making inside my business to help achieve my theme for the year: VITALITY.


In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why we’ve changed the name of the podcast
  • What I’m doing more and less this year
  • What we have planned for 2023
  • The goals we have for the year
  • My theme for the year - what is yours?

Show notes at tinatower.com/197

196: 22 Lessons from 2022

Another year is done and there’s always so many lessons to take so that we can continue to do each one, better than before. In this final podcast ep for 2022 I am getting real personal with you. It’s 22 of the most important lessons I’ve gained from 2022 and how I’ll be using them moving forward in 2023.

This year I did so much travel, ran so many events, my kids are now both in high school, we got a third puppy for our family, my book Million Dollar Micro Business hit #1 for a minute in the US top charts… it was big!

Part of the ritual that I do each year is review the 8 areas of my life and create goals and plans in each one of the them for the year ahead. If you want to do that process yourself, I have popped my entire process into a course for you at tinatower.com/life

Thank you for listening to the podcast this year! I appreciate you and look forward to sharing more value and tips with you in 2023.

195: What Got You Here, Won't Get You There

No one is here to graduate us to the next level, we have to do it ourselves. It's a great time of you to take a helicopter view, look at how far you've come and ask yourself three questions:

What do I need to KEEP doing?
What do I need to START doing?
What do I need to STOP doing? 

To grow month on month, year on year, it requires you to look at what's working and dial that up and to adjust and adapt to the next level. Each point along the Momentum Path requires different pricing, offers, team and most definitely - thinking! 

This episode talks you through the different things to consider as you move along your journey and where I've come unstuck as I've grown my business so rapidly! 

Show notes at tinatower.com/195

194: 6 Tips to Stop Procrastination

Procrastination - we all do it! It's frustrating when it happens and can be an absolute robber of productivity and results. 

I find I procrastinate for two reasons: 
1. I'm bored (a sure sign I need to outsource the thing)
2. I am doing something I'm not confident about and so putting it off and doing things to make me feel good instead. 

This podcast episode is to help you with point 2. It's the 6 step process I use when I find myself procrastinating to get in and get it done. 

It's the reason I am able to do the things I've never done before and embrace and enjoy the growth that comes with playing the game of business. I hope it helps you too! 

193: The 5 Videos That Every Website Needs

I have a super practical episode for you today! Video is one of the quickest ways to build a relationship with your customers but being the course creator making all the videos... is easier planned than done 😜

I have the shortcut for you - the 5 videos that you need to put on your website ASAP to increase conversions and build that all important know, like and trust factor. 

If you're driving or on the move listening to this one and you want it all summed up in a couple of neat pages, head to tinatower.com/193 to get your free download cheat sheet. 

192: How to thrive in an economic downturn

This week is a very timely, and very important podcast episode that explores a topic that has weighed heavily on the minds of our members and business owners all over the world at the moment: the recession and current economic downturn.

Economic downturns hit everyone in different ways, and in this episode Tina Tower will help you to unpack whether this is likely to be a problem for you, and what you can do to thrive during economic downturn.

The only constant in life is change, and so whether you're thriving in economic downturn or it's struggle-street for your business, Tina is going to give you some practical tips of what you can do in an economic downturn to not only survive, but to thrive.

191: How to Build Your Dream Team with Veronica Romney

For this week's episode the Her Empire Builder podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing real-life Dream Team Architect Veronica Romney, who is an absolute rockstar when it comes to building a dream team and training rainmaking marketing leaders.

Now, it's no secret that I have BIG ambitions for Her Empire Builder over the next couple of years.

Our mission is to have 100 women making $1 Million Dollars in their online businesses by 2025, and in order to do these great things and take our members to the next level, having an A-Team in place is a hugely important part of the puzzle.

And this is exactly where Veronica Romney comes in!

In this episode you will discover:

1. What is a marketing rainmaker, and how can they support a CEO in scaling their business
2. How to create and train your very own A-Team
3. Where to find the best people for your team at every stage of business

And SO much more!

No matter what stage you are at in your business - from solopreneur to 8-figure CEO - I know you're going to get valuable tips and insights from this gorgeous conversation with Veronica.

Join the Her Empire Builder Waitlist here: tinatower.com/herempirebuilder

Find out more about Veronica and her Rainmaker Residency at rainmakerresidency.com

About Veronica Romney:
Veronica Romney is a Dream Team Architect working with visionaries struggling to get their teams dialled in.

She is an Integrator personality to a T, and she loves managing people. She has also been in the online marketing world since 2008, most recently working behind-the-scenes as a speaker, trainer, Director, and Chief of Staff for brands such as Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Pete Vargas, and BossBabe.

Simply put, Veronica's unique superpowers and professional background will help you actually take a vacation – not another workcation!

Connect with me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tina_tower
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TinaTowerAu
Website: https://www.tinatower.com/

Loved this episode?
Leave us a review and rating on your preferred podcast platform!


190: Preparing For A Break From Your Business

Running an expert business can be exhausting.

You have big demands from your clients, audience, and your team plus the responsibilities that you also hold at home!!!

All of this can sometimes feel too much.

I know I've felt like that many times.

Don't get me wrong I love my clients, my audience, and my life...

...but society puts a lot of pressure on us to run at a pace that is sometimes unsustainable.

Wouldn't you agree?

As an Expert, the ENERGY that you bring to your business is the most defining currency.

In fact, I believe that your energy is more valuable than your time.

That's why protecting and recharging it is crucial if you ever want to build a long-term, sustainable, and profitable Expert business.

So I wanted to give you an in-depth and helpful episode all about how to plan and take a sabbatical (without losing your momentum).

In this episode you'll discover:

- Why a sabbatical can actually grow your business... When you understand how to do a sabbatical the way I teach you on this episode you'll know exactly how to use it to grow and scale

- The big mistakes people make that prevent them from ever having a sabbatical (and how you can avoid these and finally get a sabbatical on the calendar)!

- How to diagnose whether you need a sabbatical - you'll probably be surprised that you will put yourself in the category of 'needing one'!

- You'll walk away from this episode feeling really clear, positive, and knowing that it is very possible for you to have a sabbatical sooner than you thought.


189: How words can build your business with Anita Siek

Today, I have such an incredible interview for you with the one and only Anita Siek!

I’m so excited to bring Anita to you because not only is she an incredible human, but she’s also one of the smartest women I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with.

I’ve been an admirer of Anita’s for many years of her online course journey for a myriad of reasons. Her branding, her words and her energy are so beautiful, and when she joined Her Empire Builder as a guest expert last month, she knocked everyone’s socks off!

During her time with us, Anita gave me ONE tip that literally will make us 10s of 1000s of dollars - and I am so excited that she is sharing that tip (and so much more) in this value-packed episode.

We will also be talking about Anita’s meteoric rise in online business, and how she transitioned from being a lawyer into the online course rockstar that she is today!

Anita Siek is a lawyer turned brand-strategist and copywriter, and the founder of Wordfetti: a human-centred brand strategy and copywriting house, specialising in helping brands through the power of psychology and words. Anita has a big passion for words, language, and how the delicate word choices we make can trigger different emotions and feelings in a reader.

I know you're going to get a lot out of today's conversation, and I hope you love it!

Join Wordfetti:



Show notes: https://www.tinatower.com/189

Find Anita @anitasiek and @wordfetti on instagram 

188: 10 Things Every Course Creator Needs To Go From $0 - $1 million

I wish there was a simpler way - but the thing that ALL million dollar course creators know is that it takes massive effort and ALL. THE. THINGS. to be able to create a growing, profitable and sustainable online business.

These are the ten things that will get you from $0 - $1 million and you can learn how to do them ALL inside of Her Empire Builder.

We have the most comprehensive and best group business coaching for kajabi course creators on the globe.

Doors are open now
>>> https://www.tinatower.com/herempirebuilder

See you on the inside!

187: What It Takes To Make $30k On Your Very First Course Launch With Jaimie Abbott

My guest today is Jaimie Abbott - Professional Speaking Coach and Her Empire Builder member. She's sharing her story of how she went from politician and Officer in the Royal Australian Airforce to superstar course creator making $33,000 on her very first online course launch.

Jaimie is incredible and has worked her butt off in overcoming her fear and implementing all the things so she can reach her audience and get massive results for both her clients, and for her own business.

Full show notes can be found at tinatower.com/187

Join Her Empire Builder: herempirebuilder.com

Jaimie Abbott is an award-winning media professional, author and international keynote speaker and has spent two decades in the industry working as a Radio and TV Journalist, Political Media Adviser and state and federal candidate, elected local councillor, Managing Director of her own public speaking and media training company and as a Senior Public Affairs Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).

In 2011 Jaimie was deployed to Afghanistan where she worked as the Chief Media Trainer in Kabul for six months for Headquarters International Security Assistance Force. In this role, she trained over 100 General Officers from all over the world on how to master media interviews. Jaimie is still in the RAAF Reserves and holds the rank of Wing Commander.

Jaimie teaches professionals how to feel more confident when public speaking. She also has an online course, Paid to Speak which shows entrepreneurs how to become highly paid speakers. Jaimie has a Master of Business Administration (MBA), a Master in Strategic People Management, a Bachelor of Communications (Journalism) Degree, a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and a Company Directors Course from the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Links and resources:

30 days free Kajabi trial here: https://app.kajabi.com/r/XqN7VFxG/t/hzety79c

Join Her empire Builder here: http://herempirebuilder.com/

Find Jaimie here: https://www.jaimieabbott.com.au/

186: High End Membership & Retreats With Eve Drew

Eve is such a champion of a woman!

Today's podcast guest is Her Empire Builder member and founder of Her Health Collective, Eve Drew.

She started in the online course world only last year, and has done, as we like to say "All the things"

Since launching, Eve has created her membership program for female health professionals and hit over 6 figures helping her clients get great results, she's launched 3 luxury retreats, is launching two podcasts and grown her confidence from not knowing what this online world was all about, to totally owning it!

In today's episode Eve is sharing why she's chosen high end with fewer clients as her strategy and what the journey has been like for the past year.

Get all of the links and info at tinatower.com/186 and find Eve on insta at @herhealth_collective

Join Her Empire Builder at herempirebuilder.com

Starting her first business at age 23, Eve has spent the past 20 years starting, growing and selling businesses. She sold her 7-figure Podiatry clinic at the end of 2020, and now, through her work at Her Health Collective, helps other women launch and scale their health businesses.

Eve has experienced overwhelm and burnout during her career and understands how important it is for health professionals to look after themselves while caring for everyone else. We need to pour from overflowing cups. She shows other women how to build the clinic of their dreams without losing themselves in the process.

Health is an industry which is largely female dominated, but, that is not reflected in the relatively low numbers of female business owners and women who hold leadership positions. Eve is on a mission to change that. As a mum, Eve has had to ‘do the juggle’ and wants to show other women that we can do both (often it isn’t pretty, but it can be done!)

Eve has helped many women start and scale their health businesses and bring their dreams to life. She loves giving the gift of space to other women, and offers Be Well Retreats each year with Dr Jodie Fleming.

The definition of success to Eve is freedom. Freedom to live life on our terms and create a life that we love.

Eve lives in the beautiful seaside town of Warrnambool at the end of the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, and loves to spend time walking in nature, reading and practicing Yoga Nidra. She loves travelling the world, but her happy place is at home with son Arlo and husband Tim.

185: Surround yourself with powerful expansive humans!

I owe so much of my success to the incredible people I surround myself with. The coaches, the friends and peers that I have met along the way have all created my expansive thinking and believed in me long before I did.

Community is so important and in today's episode I am sharing how you can get the most out of community groups you're a part of, and why you should be creating your own in your business too.

Of course, the BEST community for online entrepreneurs wanting massive results and have a bucket ton of fun along the way, is Her Empire Builder and doors open NEXT WEEK! Get all the info at https://www.tinatower.com/herempirebuilder 

184: Reinvention For Success With Liz Nable 

My guest today is the fabulous Liz Nable! Liz joined Her Empire Builder two years ago and the reason why I wanted to share her story with you is of course, because she's fabulous - but also, because having so much background and expertise in different areas, it was difficult for Liz to choose her online course path and she tried a few iterations before she got her winner.

Liz shows you that you can reinvent yourself and that the winner idea is the one that uses both your knowledge and expertise, and also aligns to what you love talking about.


Join Her Empire Builder:



Show notes: https://www.tinatower.com/184
Find Liz @liz_nable on instagram

183:  What $1 million Course Creators Don't Talk About

Having a million dollar online course business is the dream - so you don’t really hear much about the downside. This is for two reasons.

  1. There’s no complaining on the yacht! Meaning that you’re privileged AF so complaining about anything can feel plain mean, insensitive and ridiculous.

  2. Usually, to get an online business to that level, you need to maintain the facade that everything is perfect all of the time or you feel like you’ll lose credibility.


Neither of those are helpful to you on your growth though so I want to tell you about the growing pains of the next level. I fully and upfront acknowledge that these are fabulous and privileged problems to have and I work hard every day to do good with the massive advantages in life that I’ve been give. And second - I am constantly learning in this experiment we call life and reserve the right to change my mind as I learn and grow and have my mind totally blown, my naivety shattered and strive to do better.

Now that we have that out of the way, on today’s podcast episode I am sharing with you what happens after you start to kick over around consistent $20k months so that you can be prepared and so you can consciously decide a little more easily, how far you actually want to go.


Join Her Empire Builder:




Show notes: https://www.tinatower.com/183 

The Life by Kenny Chesney: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRD5t8uBEEQ

Julie Stoian Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3YzG9nqvFyJXMv6Cvasqvp?si=0785c7d2fd5348c7 

182: Starting a Course From Scratch with Dr Laura Williams

Dr Laura Williams has such a great story to share with you. Laura is also our first Her Empire Builder member from the UK which shows huge dedication because our live sessions are ran in the morning so she stays up late to watch them. I share this because it's the dedication and purpose that drives Laura. With the sudden passing of her husband in 2018, she's a single mum to 5 children and instead of feeling like an (understandable) victim to that, she's chosen to be victorious.

Laura is one of those fabulous humans who is so good at her job and cares so much about her impact, and I just can't wait for the world to get access to that and her new course 'Know your own Psychology'.


Find all of the notes and links for todays episode at tinatower.com/182 and find Laura on insta at @drlawilliams


Dr Laura Williams is a clinical psychologist, trauma specialist, best-selling author, media contributor and mum to five. She holds specialist interests in anxiety, eating disorders and obsessional compulsive disorder. Beginning her first degree in psychology at the age of 19, Laura would continue to learn and train in the field of psychology for the next 20 years. She has a BA in Psychology, a Masters in Forensic Psychology and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. After clinical training, Laura worked within specialist services in prisons and hospitals with people who had experienced high levels of trauma in their lives.

After the sudden loss of her husband in 2018, Laura started working for herself for the freedom and flexibility she needed for her young family. She has since built a thriving online psychology practice and works with people to help them understand how their early and past relationships have impacted them. Laura now offers an online course KNOW YOUR OWN PSYCHOLOGY to scale her work and help more people.

Laura has written for and been featured in publications including The Telegraph, The Sunday Post and The Skinny. She has contributed to television documentaries for ITV and Channel 4 in the UK on the topic of morbid obesity. In addition to her television experience, Laura has broadcast experience often contributing to Radio Scotland programmes. Her first book, Grief Writer: A Journal, published in 2021, hit the amazon bestseller list and aims to help people grieving to process their emotions after loss.

Laura lives near Edinburgh, Scotland with her partner, their five children and a Labrador named Beau. From there, she is helping change the conversation around trauma and mental health. When she is not working, you’ll find her out running, swimming outdoors or trying to 'pop-up' on a surf board.

181: How To Create An Awesome Lead Magnet For List Growth

Creating a winning lead magnet is important for ALL online businesses. If I was just starting out, it's the very first thing I'd do and what I think is most important in quality list growth. And for a business making millions, it's still the thing to focus on to find more customers and show them what you're all about and the massive value you can share so that they can decide whether or not to work with you.


In today's podcast episode I am telling you the 'what'... what you you need to be thinking of in order to create the perfect lead magnet. If you'd like the 'how' then I am running a 4 day LIVE training starting September 5th that takes you through actually HOW to do all of this and provides you with tangible tools to get RESULTS.

You can register for that at tinatower.com/challenge


Show notes for this episode are at tinatower.com/181

Try Kajabi 30 days free: https://app.kajabi.com/r/XqN7VFxG/t/hzety79c

180: From teacher to 6 figure course creator with Kelly Bell

I love Kelly's story. Starting a career in teaching, obviously has its perks in course creation where we're educators, but I love the story of reinvention. So many members that we have in Her Empire Builder started with so much skill and expertise and thinking "I wonder if course creation is for me?" "How big can I actually go?"

And it makes me so happy to see people grow and adapt and then inspire everyone around them. That's Kelly's story as she's taken her niche as a teacher and turned that into a 6 figure online business and in today's episode, we're sharing with you how she got started and everything she's learnt along the way.


Find Kelly on instagram at @kellybell.coach

Listen and get the show notes at tinatower.com/180


Kelly is a passionate educator with 18 years experience as a PDHPE & Community & Family Studies (CAFS) teacher. Kelly has presented workshops across NSW in PDHPE & CAFS and in Australia on teaching pedagogy.

She has taught CAFS since 2004 growing the course from about 15 students to over 60 students in a small all-girls school and then spent 2.5 years teaching CAFS at a senior high school.

She has dedicated her career to working with government and community organisations to support the development of teachers and their students through
professional learning, webinars, resource development, marking and mentoring.

Kelly started supporting the professional learning of teachers in 2010 where she held voluntary roles in a professional learning organisation and served on the
Board from 2014-2016 and President in 2016-2018. Her contributions to the organisation was recognised by the Professional Teachers’ Council NSW in 2014 for her work where she received an Outstanding Professional Service Award as an acknowledgment of excellence in the profession.

Her commitment to supporting teachers to be the best educators they can be was further developed when Kelly completed a Master in Educational Leadership from the Australian Catholic University in 2015 and when she became a Google Level 1 Educator in 2020.

Since starting The Learning Network in 2020 Kelly has supported over 1000 CAFS teachers across NSW in online courses, resources, coaching & mentoring and 1000s of CAFS students in her Year 12 CAFS MasterClasses.

Kelly is surrounded by the beach, bay and bush on the sunny Central Coast of NSW, Australia where she delivers massive support to enable teachers to connect, learn and grow together.



Find Kelly at thelearnnet.com/tinatower

Join Her Empire Builder at herempirebuilder.com

179: A $12k first online course launch with Claudia Neal-Shaw

Today I am interviewing one of our fabulous Her Empire Builder Members - Claudia Neal - Shaw.

Claudia joined Her Empire Builder in February as a brand new course creator ad then did all of the pre-launch activities to start from scratch and launched her first digital course for online marketing in June.

 She had a great first launch making $12,000 on her first launch with her second already half sold out and incredible client transformations from her first lucky group of clients.


Show notes: tinatower.com/179

Join Her Empire Builder at herempirebuilder.com


Starting her first business at 21, Claudia Neal-Shaw was a few years into her combined Law and Communications degree convinced she would be an actress or a lawyer.

A natural communicator and connector, Claudia offered marketing advice to small-medium businesses on the side while she completed her formal legal training and travelled globally for work experience.

She learned very quickly that in order to create the career of your dreams, you had to rewrite the rules for your own success.

She left her corporate career behind and relaunched her consulting business focused on empowering female-led businesses to market themselves with confidence.

178: Pre-launch Runway: what to do to set up a winning launch!

So you want to have a winning live launch? The PRE-LAUNCH is where it's at! In this podcast episode I'm sharing with you all of the things that I do 6 - 8 weeks before I open doors and launch. This allows me to be fully present in launch and show up with ALL of the energy. Launching isn't the time to be writing emails and figuring out what to put on social media.

It's the time to let the strategy unfold and connect with clients and serve with all of your beautiful energy.

Listen at tinatower.com/178 and get the checklist for this episode at tinatower.com/checklist

177: Authenticity and Boundaries: Lessons from a Successful HR Entrepreneur, Julissa Martis

It's far easier to sell 'hope' than it is to sell 'hard work'... however, one does not work without the other.

Without great mindset, you won't have the courage and be open to the new opportunities to allow you to implement strategy and get results. But without the strategy, you'll be all pepped up on goof balls and not know 'how' to get the result and wonder what you're missing.

In this podcast episode, I'm sharing with you the 6 key mindset beliefs that you need to be able to implement good solid strategy for real and tangible business growth.


176: One Little Thing That Changed The Game On Boundaries For Me


In this week's episode, Tina is sharing the one thing that has been her biggest game changer when it comes to setting and respecting boundaries that has allowed her to live a life of her own design.

When life gets in the way of our best laid plans, it's easy to slip into a state of perpetual disappointed that we can't live up to our own expectations. After 17 years in business, Tina has learned where her skill set lies, and how to get business to work best for her for sustainability, and longevity.

In this episode, Tina dives into how she has created those boundaries, how much she really works, how much work it takes to be successful, and that one thing that totally changed the game for her in the last 12 months.

175: Ranty Pants - Why Women Have Less Time And Money 

We've got a bit of a different episode for you this week's episode of the Her Empire Builder Podcast!

A couple of weeks ago, Tina Tower had a bee in her bonnet, so she decided to put her Ranty-Pants on and go LIVE on Instagram to share some of the things that she simply couldn't let go of - mainly the inequities that females in business face every day.

This episode is a recording of the Instagram Live from July 2022, where Tina is rightfully donning her 'Ranty-Pants' publicly!

It is our hope that sharing this makes you feel less alone, and helps you know that you're right where you need to be right now.

You can do anything and create the absolute future of your dreams, no matter where you're at right now.

We hope you enjoy Tina's ranty pants!

174: Creating Quality Courses With Jasmine Jonte 

This week's podcast guest is a legend in the online course industry as a programme ghostwriter and course creator for some of the most impactful online programs in the world.

In this value-packed episode, Jasmine Jonte takes a deep-dive into the common mistakes that she sees course creators make, how to get your course all put together, how to increase completion rates (and whether or not completion rates are even that important) and everything in between!

173: Your End Of Financial Year Business Health Check 

The start of a new year and financial year are two of my favourite times to stop, reflect and get everything neat and tidy ready for your next rise!
It's the things that we need to do behind the scenes of the business that can make such a big massive difference - but, because they're non-urgent, they're often missed.
To help you out, I've put together your EOFY Business Health Check and made you a quick reference guide to go with it!

Get your free EOFY Checklist here

172: Taking Risks in Business That Won't Give You A Heart Attack 

Is it essential for business success to have a big appetite for risk? That's what I'm talking about in todays podcast episodes. I'm sharing with you some of the risks that I've taken in my business, how I decided whether it was realistic or reckless and the conversations I had with my husband and friends about risk.

The biggest risk I took recently? Booking out Hawaii's top vacation rental for a retreat and to run my next launch from!

Want to join me? Check out tinatower.com/hawaii

Show notes for today's episode are at tinatower.com/172

Find Tina on Instagram: instagram.com/tina_tower

171: Your Powerful Story with Tory Archbold 

In Episode 171 of Her Empire Builder Podcast we have Tory Archbold who is a superstar in the industry. She has been in business for a very long time after starting the PR agency, Torstar, in her 20s, and has really made an art out of storytelling and helping people to craft their brand story. She is now the brains behind Powerful Steps which helps people to own their story and own their power. So today, Tory's going to share with us how to articulate your story; how to choose the parts that you're going to share and the parts that you're going to keep private, and how to use it to aid the connection with your audience and taking your brand to the next level.

170: Creating a Commercial Ecosystem for your book.

 A book is such a MAMMOTH effort. To cap off the last 4 episodes all about writing your best selling book, I'm sharing with you how you can create an eco system around your book so that it can build your business and be the gift that keeps on giving.

169: Marketing Your Book For a Best Seller 

I love all types of marketing so learning book marketing for my past two books was a very fun experiment to jump into.

I tried everything on my first book, which led to a much more systemised approach for the second book that put Million Dollar Micro Business on the top of the Australian and American Business Book Charts.

I'm sharing with how I did it so you can help your book to spread through the way it deserves.

Links in this episode:

Get your book marketing Canva templates at bookmarketing.com.au

168: Packaging Your Expertise Into a Book with Jasmine Womack 

On this weeks podcast episode I get to ask all of the questions about how to package your expertise from the incredible Jasmine Womack.

Jasmine Womack is a writing consultant and corporate trainer who helps high performing leaders, professionals, entrepreneurs, and executives connect with others, package their expertise, and maximize their message through storytelling.

Over the past three years, she has worked with over 400 authors to help them increase their influence and grow an expert platform through writing a book and teaching them how to expand their book into a profitable and scalable information-based business.

167: How To Write A Business book 

I get asked A LOT of questions about writing a book and it's too much for just one episode so I've devoted the next 4 podcast eps to writing your book!

We're kicking off book month with 'How to Write a Business Book' where I'll cover how to actually get it done and self publishing vs publishing.

Then it will be followed by:
🌟 Packaging your Expertise into a book interview with Jasmine Womack
🌟 Marketing for a Best Seller Book
🌟 Creating a Commercial Eco-system around your Book

I hope it helps to inspire you to share your knowledge through your own book and helps you get it in as many hands as possible.

166: Adventures Back Out In The World

I LOVED being back out in the world!
5 weeks away ✈️ LA >
Palm Springs >
Sedona >
Costa Rica >
Miami >
Cabo >
Orange County >
Fiji > home.
I ran a retreat, participated in a retreat, hung with friends, made business deals, ran a launch and spoke on an international stage. It was big and fabulous and reminds me why I love the freedom of business ownership so much!
This episode is the travel story. Main message - the world is a big beautiful place, get out and chase the joy! x

165: Building a Digital Business to a 6 Figure Launch with Caitlin Marwaha

When Caitlin was first looking at joining Her Empire Builder, she was wondering whether a 5 figure launch would be possible... she went and did that and now 18 months later has built her incredible digital empire, CM Style Squad into a thriving membership and digital course ecosystem and just had her first $100k MONTH!!!

In today's episode we talk about how Caitlin did it and the evolution of finding the right product offering, price point and launch style that worked for both Caitlin's lifestyle and her clients.

Caitlin is one of our many superstar members in Her Empire Builder and membership doors ARE OPEN NOW! If you'd like to join Caitlin and other ambitious and fabulous women building digital course empires, run, don't walk >>> herempirebuilder.com


For show notes: tinatower.com/165

Find Caitlin at: https://www.caitlinmarwaha.com/

Join the CM Style Squad at https://www.caitlinmarwaha.com/cmstyle

164: From an $11k launch to a $101k launch with Em Gee

This weeks episode is an incredible success story! As a business strategist, i dream of my clients being able to achieve these sorts of results and today, my fabulous Her Empire Builder member Em Gee is sharing how she had done an $11k launch, then joined the Her Empire Builder membership and GOT TO WORK. She implemented all the things and took a massive level up and then in her latest launch week did $101k!!! Em runs the Unstoppable program and is a best selling author - you're going to get so many beautiful ideas from this episode. If you're also looking to take a massive level up in your business, Her Empire Builder has her doors open NEXT WEEK! You can jump on the waitlist for some early bonuses at herempirebuilder.com In less than five years as a solo-preneur Em Gee has become a best selling author and international business and mindset coach to women all over the world. Her unwavering belief in all women to shine as leaders in their own fields, has led her to teach 'unstoppability' as a quality already there to be unleashed from within every single business owner she works with.

As a mum of two young girls, Em Gee prides herself on being transparent, authentic and true to her values, all while scaling her business in ways not everyone expects. Thinking out of the box is her style, paving the way for others to do the same and get equally unstoppable results.
Let me know what you got most out of this incredible success story with Em Gee.

Show notes: tinatower.com/164

163: From Chiro to Course Creator with Dr Ali Young

We all evolve and grow as we step into our purpose and power and today's guest on Her Empire Builder Podcast is such a beautiful example of that! Dr Ali Young was one of my first members to ever join my Her Empire Builder Membership and so I've had such a lucky front row seat as she's stepped into her light.
Now, we're celebrating the release of her new book 'Work. Mama. Life'! You can pre-order your copy now!

In this episode Ali shares how she's gone from running a successful Chiropractic clinic to a thriving online membership working mamas and a course to help avoid burnout as well as write what I'm sure will be a best selling book - and still look after herself and family as her top priority.

In Her Empire Builder Membership we're all about celebrating wins and helping women dream big, plan well and take massive action! Doors open in just 2 weeks so if you want to level up, head on over to herempirebuilder.com

For all of the show notes and to find out more about Ali, go to tinatower.com/163

162: How important is your list size to a successful launch?

Vanity metrics are definitely a thing in the online course world - revenue, email list size, social media followers... they're important, for sure. But - none of it matters if you don't have profit and quality engagement. Quality over quantity every single time. In today's episode I'm sharing with you my thoughts on building your list. If you want to know the top 5 ways that I have found to build a quality engaged email list, register for my free webinar at tinatower.com/list

161: How To Create a Winning Lead Magnet

In this episode I am sharing the whole process of creating a winning lead magnet! A good lead magnet or opt in can change the shape of your business. You can have tons of vanity metrics and followers on social media, but the one key metric that makes the biggest difference in sales is the size and engagement of your email list. The most effective way to build a highly engaged email list is with a gold standard lead magnet that is high value that your audience absolutely loves! A lead magnet is an exchange. It’s saying, "Hey, I’ll give you this piece of beautiful value in exchange for your contact information so that I can market to you." But of course, in much more eloquent language.

I have a 4 day Live Lead Magnet Challenge coming up next month. If you want to be shown HOW to do everything that I'm talking about in the podcast, register at tinatower.com/challenge

Show notes for this episode: tinatower.com/161

160: Lessons from the Women Online Conference

Last week I ran the first Women Online Conference bringing together women who had made $1 million a year in online course revenue to share how they did it. It was INCREDIBLE! All of the speakers shared so generously and beliefs were broken as inspiration abounded.

I constantly looked out and saw people having light bulb moments knowing "this is possible for me".

In today's episode I'm sharing what I saw as the differences and commonalities in the speakers.

All are fabulous, and all are unique - proving that there is no ONE path to success, your way is going to be the best way.

You can get all of the recordings from the Women Online Conference at womenonline.com.au

Show notes at tinatower.com/160

159: Your Inner POWER with Kemi Nekvapil

Kemi Nekvapil is the calmest, most wise woman I know. I have got to work with Kemi behind the scenes and its in those situations that you really find out what someone is all about and I can tell you, she’s even more remarkable!

Every single time I speak with Kemi I percolate on her words for days. She has a way of saying things that call your soul and help you to make better decisions by tapping into your inner power and my friends, she’s written the book on it!! POWER is here and Kemi is sharing the beautiful lessons from her new book.

You can pre-order now at kemibooks.com

Show notes for today's episode can be found at tinatower.com/159

Kemi Nekvapil is one of Australia’s leading credentialed coaches for female executives and entrepreneurs, author and a highly sought-after international speaker.

She has studied leadership and purpose at The Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan and trained with Dr Brené Brown to become a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, working with teams and organisations to create daring leaders and courageous cultures.

Kemi is a facilitator for The Hunger Project Australia and a regular interviewer of industry icons including Elizabeth Gilbert, Martha Beck and Marie Forleo and hosts the number one ranking podcast The Shift Series.

With a level of compassion and wisdom only gained through extraordinary life experience, Kemi is a powerful advocate for connected, value-based living.

Kemi is a mother of teenagers, a wife, an endurance athlete running 42km-100km races, a dedicated gardener and aspirational flower farmer.

158: Million Dollar Misfit with Kate Toon

Kate Toon was one of Australia’s early adopters of online courses and has built her million dollar a year business in the ever changing world of digital marketing.  

What I love most about Kate is how she’s refined the rules of business to suit her ideal life and season that she’s in which is why she calls herself a business misfit.

Kate’s one of the 7 figure superstar course creators that will be speaking at Women Online Conference and she’ll be sharing all of the behind the scenes including figures and growth statistics that usually business owners keep pretty close to their chest so if you haven’t got your ticket to that one yet, head to womenonline.com.au to pick one up!

The conference is live in person and streamed virtually all over the globe on 24th February.

Show notes: tinatower.com/158

Kate Toon is a down to earth human on a mission: to demystify the realities of running a successful online business. Her StayTooned group of companies include the Digital Masterchefs, The Clever Copywriting School, and The Recipe for SEO Success. 

Through these, Kate’s helped more than 10,000 other businesses demystify digital marketing, grapple the Google Beast, and grow their overall success. Kate is a renowned speaker, podcaster and author, and was named Businesswoman of the Year and Training & Education Provider of the Year at the national My Business Awards. 

She also runs Australia’s only dedicated annual copywriting conference, CopyCon. And all this from the Toon Cave in her backyard, accompanied only by her very own CFO (Chief Furry OfficeDog) Pomplemousse and assisted remotely by a team of talented sub-contractors.


157: The Long Game of Millionaire Success with Suzi Dafnis

Suzi Dafnis is one of my absolute favourite entrepreneurs who has been pivotal not only in my business story, but thousands of other women as well.

I’ve called today’s episode The Long Game of Millionaire Success because to me, Suzi embodies what it takes for a lifetime of success making a huge impact and living with integrity.

We are so lucky to have Suzi with us in this episode, and you can also catch her on the stage at the Women Online Conference where she’ll be sharing her story.

Get your ticket at womenonline.com.au to attend either live in person, or virtually.

Show notes: tinatower.com/157

Suzi Dafnis is the CEO of HerBusiness.

An early adopter of online business Suzi ran her first online programs in 2006, launched her blog in 2008 and was one of the first female podcasters in Australia.

The award-winning online HerBusiness Mentoring program was the first online mentoring program and received great recognition and support from government and business alike for its innovative use of technology to connect women with business mentors around the world.

For over 26 years she has helped women business owners to create the impact, the income and the results that they want through their business — and to do what they love, every day — WITHOUT working harder.

Suzi has grown multiple multimillion-dollar businesses. 

  • Online businesses.
  • Offline businesses.
  • Product-based businesses.
  • And service businesses.

Suzi is passionate about personal development and the inner game of being an entrepreneur - the mindset, confidence and willingness to show up as yourself, each and every day.

156: Momentum & Mindset with Lisa Corduff

Lisa Corduff is a millionaire course creator and speaker at the upcoming Women Online Conference

Get your ticket at womenonline.com.au 

Lisa Corduff ran her first course in 2014 - using free email software and recipe videos recorded on her iPhone!

After helping thousands of women to feed their families more “real” food (without spending hours in the kitchen), and scaling the business to six figures - she started to offer coaching and courses to other female entrepreneurs looking to turn their knowledge and passion into profit.

Even though both sides of the business were focused on teaching very practical, functional skills - the conversation kept swinging back to mindset. After the successful launch of a self-discovery mini course, Lisa spent two years learning from mindset experts all across the globe - and created two new flagship programs, Ready for Change and Momentum.

With over 40K followers on social media, seven figures in revenue, a growing team and some pretty shiny tools and systems - things have come a long way since that first course! But the core values of the business remain the same: community, connection and authenticity.

Show notes for today's episode: tinatower.com/156 

Website: https://lisacorduff.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisacorduff/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LisaCorduff1/

Podcast: Conversations with Lisa - https://lisacorduff.com/podcast/

155: Fired up and ready for 2022

Welcome back to Season 4 of Her Empire Builder Podcast! 

I am so excited for the year ahead and am so ready to get back into it and deliver all of the incredible things I have in store for you. 

Sometimes we just need a really great break to be able to reset, get perspective and get recharged. That is exactly what I did.

So today for our first episode back, I want to talk to you about what was going on last year, what I've got planned for this year, and how I've got my mojo back.

Listen now!

Show notes: tinatower.com/155

Episode 154: How to use the holidays productively for an epic 2022

Today's episode is the last one for 2021!

Thank you to over 60,000 of you for listening to Her Empire Builder podcast this year. I have absolutely loved sharing the journey of building the business of your dreams and the life of your dreams with you.

Throughout January, we will be re-releasing our Top 5 episodes each week, so that you can feel inspired & ready to make 2022 your best year yet.

In today's episode, I am sharing with you all of my tips that I think you should do in order to have your most productive downtime ever, so that whenever you return, you are ready for your most epic year yet.

Happy Holidays & Merry Everything Friends! 

You can grab my Holiday Productivity Checklist at tinatower.com/holidays 

Show notes: tinatower.com/154

Episode 153: Turning Your Hobby into a Multi Million Dollar Company with Brigit Esselmont

Today on Her Empire Builder Podcast I have the incredible Brigit Esselmont, CEO of Biddy Tarot and Guest Speaker at our Women Online Conference!

Brigit found her love for Tarot cards at 17 years old, and over the years has turned it into a multi million dollar company where her mission is to help people all around the world discover how to trust their intuition, access their inner power, and bring the Divine into their everyday life, using Tarot as a guide.

We talk all about Brigit's business journey, and how she has got to where she is today. We also talk about what you can expect when you see Brigit at the Women Online Conference in February 2022!

Show notes: tinatower.com/153

Episode 152: What's MRR and What You Need for a Kick Arse Membership

Today's episode is a super practical one, where I will be running you through Monthly Recurring Revenue and what you need to consider when running a membership program.

I'll be running you through:

🌟 What is MRR?

🌟 Why should you have it (or not have it)?

🌟 The Metrics of Membership Health.

🌟 Is it right for you?

🌟 How to create your offer.

It's a jam packed session, which you may want your notebook for! If you are out walking listening to this episode, you can jump back into the show notes to get all the information and resources you need.

If you want to know more about creating your offer and what systems to have in place to run your membership, I teach it inside Her Empire Builder! Check it out and apply now! herempirebuilder.com

Show notes: tinatower.com/152 

Episode 151: Online Business Building with Tiffany Lee Bymaster

On today's episode, I have the very special Tiffany Lee Bymaster, otherwise known as Coach Glitter, an online business course creator extraordinaire who has done well over 28 live launches.

The best thing about this episode? It's a little sneak peak of what it will be like to have Tiffany all to yourself at our Palm Springs Retreat in April 2022! Tiffany is one of our incredible Guest Speakers at the Retreat and will be sharing & teaching all of her incredible strategies behind her live launches.

I had a whole bunch of questions I wanted to ask Tiffany, but we ended up talking a lot about her business journey and the lessons she has learnt coming from traditional business into the online world - and how we, as entrepreneurs, can avoid the all-too-familiar trap of falling in to overwork and instead enjoy what we have built as course creators.

You will fall in love with Tiffany, just as I have.

Show notes: tinatower.com/151

Episode 150: When things go pear shaped

Life is crazy, with its ups and downs, twists and turns and everything in between. It's what makes it such a beautiful human experience.⁠

When things in life go pear shaped, life just doesn't stop. We have responsibilities, not only to our families and our businesses, but also to ourselves - to heal, to learn and to move forward. ⁠

This weeks episode is a personal one for me. I am so incredibly lucky to have a business that gives me freedom and flexibility - but I still have a job to do and, well, life's responsibilities.
In today's episode, I'm sharing with you the story of 5 weeks ago with the worst day of our lives. Having something happen to my child through me more than I ever anticipated. Once he was 'out of the woods' was when I seemed to enter them and I needed to pull myself out. This beautiful human experience does sometimes throw us curve balls but life keeps going and we need to as well.
I wanted to share how I am navigating through this so that it may help you with any trauma you have dealt with or are dealing with too.⁠

Recovery is an active process and when things go pear shaped, we have to help ourselves feel whole again.

Show notes: tinatower.com/150

Episode 149: Why you should plan a live event in 2022

I think we can all agree, that over the last couple of years we have had enough of virtual Zoom events. Don't get me wrong, I love how accessible online courses are for people, and that I can teach them from the comfort of my own home to someone in their own home and it's been incredible the way the industry has allowed people to adapt since the pandemic started. In saying that, there is nothing I love more than hosting live, in-person events. There is just something so special about being with people and the connection that is made face to face - the energy, the inspiration and the beautiful people you get to meet - ah, there is just nothing better!

I have ran a lot of live events in my 17 years of business, and I know what works and what doesn't work. I have put together a special bonus for you as a Live Event Checklist for you to take the guesswork out of running a live event and make sure you nail it the first time and every time.

Head to tinatower.com/eventfreebie to check it out! It's also linked in the episode show notes: tinatower.com/149

Episode 148: Let it Be Easy with Susie Moore

Today on the Her Empire Builder podcast, I have a very special guest for you! My friend, author and online course creator extraordinaire Susie Moore. ⁠ Susie is a former Silicon Valley Sales Director turned Life Coach and Advice Columnist. Her work has been featured on the Today show, Oprah, Business Insider, CNN, Forbes, Time Inc, Marie Claire and she’s the resident Life Coach Columnist for Greatist (yeah, all the cool things!).

In our interview today, I'm asking Susie about why so many of us are addicted to stress, why we want to make everything hard and why we're comfortable in doing that. We also chat about what Susie's journey has been like with going from a stressful life to actually finding ease and joy, whilst still running a successful multi-million dollar online course business. ⁠ ⁠ Susie’s new book, Let It Be Easy is out on 9th November, and is all about how we can get more ease and joy into our lives - check out the show notes to pre-order!⁠ ⁠ I know you will love this episode, and will find it as thought provoking as I did!⁠ ⁠

Show notes: tinatower.com/148⁠ ⁠


Episode 147: Marketing to Mums with Katrina McCarter

Mums are one of the most powerful consumer groups in the world and make up a huge part of our audience. Today's episode of Her Empire Builder Podcast has THE expert in Marketing To Mums, Katrina McCarter, and she's sharing so many practical and tangible marketing tips that you can implement in your business to help to appeal to the powerful and influential Mum.

Katrina is the founder of Marketing to Mums, a marketing strategist, best-selling author, speaker and business advisor, who specialises in helping business owners and brands sell more effectively to mums. A prolific researcher into mothers’ behaviours, Katrina has published two books: Marketing to Mums and The Mother of All Opportunities.
Side note - If you are in to stats & data in relation to the consumer market, you are going to LOVE this one.
Show notes: tinatower.com/147

Episode 146: Creating and Respecting Your Own Boundaries

You have so many people relying on you. Your future self, your family, your team - you're pulled in a million different directions trying to exceed everyone's expectations... but the person who is most important to look after is obviously you. ⁠ Without taking care of yourself, you have nothing to give all those who are relying on you. Then, why is it so hard? That's what I'm talking about in this weeks podcast.⁠ ⁠

Show notes: tinatower.com/146 ⁠

Episode 145: Why I'm Changing My Launch Strategy in 2022

Today's episode is a little bit of a behind the scenes look into the launch strategy I use. It's not going to be a technical episode with all the metrics & numbers, but it is actually more of an insight of what I have been doing in the last year to create a 7 figure plus business and why I've decided to basically throw out that strategy and go for a whole new one in 2022. As course creators and business owners, there is never one right way to do things, and it is going to change season to season, year to year. What is right for you now, may not necessarily be right for you in a years time.

I thought this episode would be really helpful for me to share my personal experience with what I've gone through, as I've reviewed everything in the last month and then set up for our 2022.

Grab the show notes at: tinatower.com/145

Episode 144: Making Millions and Throwing out the Rule Book with Leonie Dawson 

OMG - Leonie Dawson! Literally one of my favourite podcast interviews EVER! For days and days after I recorded this podcast I was thinking about the words that she said, the way she lives and how she's a complete unapologetic rule breaker!

Now, I am all for designing your business and life to suit you and like to think I do a pretty darn good job of it, but Leonie takes it a million levels further. She's built an epic business with a revenue of 7 figures a year and only works 10 hours a week (YES! 10 HOURS!!) and doesn't use social media anymore. I mean, come on - what?! You'll hear me say that over and over in our podcast.

I had wanted to chat to Leonie for so long before this interview and now we've become real life friends but honestly, I have a major girl crush. Leonie has opened my mind up to all of the ways we can think differently, reexamine what's possible for us and truly live life in congruence with our values.
I hope you love this weeks podcast interview as much as I did!

Check out the show notes here: tinatower.com/144


Episode 143: The New Hustle with Emma Isaacs

Emma Isaacs is such a superstar! We've known one another since our early days in business and have been on trips, adventures, awards nights and seen so much growth and change! I am so proud of Emma that she's just released her new book, The New Hustle. It's SO GOOD. I was lucky enough to have Emma on Her Empire Builder podcast to talk about how she builds a multi-million dollar company, parents 6 kids and lives life with her trademark calm and grace with big massive boundaries. Have you read the book yet? Check out the episode anywhere you get your podcasts or at the link in my bio.

Show notes: tinatower.com/143


Episode 142: Mastering your Mindset with Jill Stanton

My guest on the podcast today is my business coach Jill Stanton. I have admired her for years and years. I do think the only way we learn is through different perspectives of people who have done it before. So when I want to go to the next level, I look for someone who's done just that.

Show notes: tinatower.com/142


Episode 141: Lessons from Empire Building Women

In today’s episode of Her Empire Builder Podcast, I’m interviewing five of my Empire Builder members and asking them a little bit about their businesses so that if you're considering joining her Empire Builder you can get a bit of a feel for it and the type of incredible humans that are inside the community.

We only open the doors to her Empire Builder mastermind twice a year and applications are open now! Head to herempirebuilder.com to apply now.

My mastermind is my high level program and is quite involved. It’s not an online course that you dip in and out of, get a few things done and then go on your merry way, it is something that is for people who are really ready to double down on their online course business and ready to go to the next level.

 Show notes: tinatower.com/141


Episode 140: How to find your high vibe tribe

Surround yourself with great people. Being around your high vibe tribe makes you think differently - it makes you realise what's possible and imagine a bigger life for yourself. In today's Her Empire Builder Podcast episode I'm talking about how to find your own high vibe tribe and how it can change your life.

Show notes: tinatower.com/140

Episode 139: The secrets of the worlds ultra wealthy

I was invited onto a 'Self Made Millionaires Mixer' by Jill Stanton where 10 women all shared their stories and we spoke about money, business and life. I loved every second!
When Kaitlyn started speaking I was like, "Hi, new friend!" Kaitlyn is a super smart financial planner who learnt her craft working with Ultra Wealthy Billionaires before a lot of personal awful shit happened (you can hear about that on the podcast) and she decided to leave everything she'd worked for in corporate and start her own firm, Theory Planning, and help millionaire women grow their financial knowledge and wealth.

In today's podcast episode, she's sharing with you what she's learnt and how you can incorporate those same principles into your own finances no matter what level you're at right now

Show notes: tinatower.com/139

Episode 138: The 6 mindset blocks millionaire women have mastered 

I'm so lucky that my days are spent with super successful women and so I get to hear their thoughts, their dreams and of course, their fears I was asked recently "What do you think sets the successful women apart" and I went away and thought about that for quite a while. I came up with 6 main mindset blocks that the millionaire women I know have mastered. Sure, it fades sometimes and there's more personal development work to be done to get back to where we want to be, but there are similarities that I see the women who have done really well, have together and I'm sharing those with you on the Her Empire Builder podcast today!

Show notes: tinatower.com/138

Episode 137: Expanding your audience without spending bucket loads of $$ on ads

I know that facebook advertising is the much loved hero of advertising, but what if you could grow your business to 7 figures without it?

In this weeks episode of Her Empire Builder, I am sharing with you the 5 ways you can expand your audience without spending bucket loads of $$ on ads!

Yes, content marketing takes more effort, but it also delivers more results for both your customer, and for you.

Show notes: tinatower.com/137 

Episode 136: Clint Salter - the nicest millionaire you'll meet

This weeks podcast interview is with my beautiful friend Clint Salter, CEO of Dance Studio Owner's Association. He's also a Success Story inside of my new book, Million Dollar Micro Business and quite literally, the nicest millionaire you'll ever meet. I say that because for as long as I've known Clint and inside both private and public conversations, he's very commercially minded and savvy, but above all else, he believes in the impact that he's been put on this Earth to make and constantly strives for ways that he can serve more people and scale his business to make a bigger impact in his customers lives.

When the pandemic hit, we were on the phone together, both crying trying to figure out what the world was coming to and what he's managed to do since then for his clients is exceptional and we share in this episode how serving people and providing massive value even through scaling to a business that turns over multiple millions on your personal brand, is so important, and also profitable.

Clint Salter is an award winning entrepreneur, business development strategist and best-selling author of 2 books. By the age of 16, he started his first dance studio and by 28, he had not only founded and sold 3 companies but was also named The Youngest Senior Celebrity Agent in Australia.

Today, he’s the Founder and CEO of the Dance Studio Owners Association: the largest community of Dance Studio Owners in the world. Clint has helped over 34,000 dance studio owners grow their business, impact their local communities and improve the lives of over 800,000 children through the programs and services he’s created in DSOA.

Find out more about Clint at https://dsoa.com/

Show notes: tinatower.com/136


Episode 135: How to create your Million Dollar Micro Business

I often like to do my planning from 'completion backwards'. That is I start with what I want at the end and then match the plan of action to those results.

This week on the podcast I wanted to share a chapter of my new Best Selling (YAY!) book with you and traditionally that would be chapter 1 to try to entice you to jump on and purchase the book (if you haven't already). 

But I'm anything but traditional ;) I am sharing with you today the final chapter of Million Dollar Micro Business. This is because I want you to know how it wraps up. I want you to hear the summary and feel what it would feel like to have followed the book and be ready to go BIG in the world with your online programs.

Then, if you love what you hear and want the gaps all filled in, head to milliondollarmicrobusiness.com and order your copy of the book and grab yourself the free digital workbook.

Hope you love it!

Show notes: tinatower.com/135


Episode 134: Kayse Morris on Building a Multi-million Dollar Course Business

My guest on today's podcast is my favorite course creator in the world that I have ever met, Kayse Morris. She is a wonderful mom of four boys and a beautiful brand new baby girl, a reader of 3 Books a Week, former full time English teacher, founder of the CEO teacher movement and teaches educators how to create their own future income and impact using the skills and passion they have as teachers in the classroom.

I first came across her when I was at the Kajabi conference in 2018 and I immediately loved her and in this episode, Kayse is sharing how she came to being a teacher into a multi million dollar online course business. She has now helped thousands of other teachers bring their wildest dreams to life. And her story is going to inspire and teach you so many little tidbits!

She's also featured as a Success Story in my book, Million Dollar Micro Business! I just can't get enough of this literal ray of sunshine!

Show notes: tinatower.com/134


Episode 133: My EA Interviews Me about Million Dollar Micro Business 

This weeks podcast is of course, all about my brand new book - Million Dollar Micro Business!

The tables have TURNED this week and my fabulous right hand woman, Jarrah Wallace, is interviewing me and asking me all of our members questions that they wanted to know about the process of bringing Million Dollar Micro Business to the world.

It was Jarrah's first ever time on a podcast and so I'm pretty excited about that! And also that Million Dollar Micro Business is on the best sellers list - all because of YOU! Thank you for getting a copy, sharing it and reviewing it. I appreciate you more than you know.

Show notes at tinatower.com/133


Episode 132: Heather Sager - Shining on Stage through Speaking 

My guest on today's podcast is the awesome Heather Sager! I met Heather when we actually built her Kajabi website years ago and she was entering into the online business world. She's such an awesome human and in this episode is sharing how you can use your voice to confidently shine on stage - virtual and in person, and - how she's going with the 75 hard challenge!

Heather Sager is a speaker and online business coach. Creator, Speak Up to Level Up. She helps entrepreneurs structure their ideas, clarify their message and hone their speaking skills so they can deliver magnetic live presentations, videos, and workshops that grow their authority. She’s spoken on stages around the world teaching 6 and 7-figure business owners how to grow their businesses using effective communication.
Before starting her company, she was an executive at a top management firm in healthcare. Heather lives in Portland, OR with her husband and two young sons (who definitely test her communication chops daily).

Show notes: tinatower.com/132


Episode 131: Can women run million dollar companies and still have a life?

Can women run million dollar companies and still have a life?
My goal is to help create million dollar companies for women, and over the years I have had a lot of comments based around the fact that women don’t go big because they are fearful of what they have to ‘give up’.

We need to change the conversation. The way that we have been taught how to build million dollar companies, doesn’t necessarily serve women and suit their lifestyles. So that we don’t get adrenal fatigue, so that we don’t burn out, we have to learn how to do it differently.
And that my friends, is what we will be talking about today.

Show notes: tinatower.com/131


Episode 130: James Wedmore on Building an 8 Figure Digital Empire


Ep130 of Her Empire Builder podcast with the awesome James Wedmore is here!! 

This session was recorded live with my members inside of the Her Empire Builder Mastermind so that they could be the ones asking questions and getting put in the hot seat. It was so good and there are SO MANY fabulous business and life lessons from James as he shares how he's built his digital empire to over $10 million a year and helped tens of thousands of people around the world grow their businesses!

Show notes: tinatower.com/130


Episode 129: Million Dollar Micro Business



This weeks podcast is the most elaborate that I've ever created! 

In my new book, each part includes a Success Story from people who have created their own Million Dollar Micro Business and so on today's podcast, I'm bringing you little snippets from the interviews that I did with those superstars so you can get an insight into what you'll find inside the pages of the book.

A Million Dollar Micro Business is a business that builds beyond 7 figure years with only a few full time employees. It's something that technology has beautifully enabled us to create and package our gifts to share with the world. It's so possible to create and I'm so excited to show you how! 

Show notes: tinatower.com/129


Episode 128: How much business can actually change in a year

In today's episode, I'm going to be talking about how much can change in your business in a years time, especially when you do things with a purpose. 

The business that I have now is so different to the business that I had 12 months ago and I wanted to tell that story today. The past year has been a complete whirlwind with so many unexpected things thrown at us. But, it's also been an incredible year of learning and growing. 

I want to show you that if you take conscious, purposeful steps, you can actually create and change how much you can bring in your life and how much closer to your dreams you can go in a very short year!

In a year, your business and your life is going to look so different than it does now and how it will look is 100% up to you!

Show notes: tinatower.com/128


Episode 127: Running a LIVE Limited Launch for your course

In today's episode, I'm going to be running you through all of the different ingredients that you need to run a really exceptional, limited launch.

The first time I ran a limited launch was the moment that I knew that this business was going to be the path I was going to take for the next chapter in my life.

I've done about 18 limited launches now - I’ve tried & tested so many different launch strategies, on myself and also for my Empire Builder clients. We have had multiple six figure launches now, and so many five figure launches, especially from people that are doing it for the first time.

I've created a whole course about this, Limited Launch Formula, which is now officially out this week! I’m so super pumped to share this with you because, I know it works.

Show notes: tinatower.com/127


Episode 126: Getting the most from your brand photoshoot 

The latest episode of Her Empire Builder is now out and it's all about how to optimise and maximise your photoshoot to get photos not only to help you do better in a live launch, but for the next three to six months of social media content and great website imagery. 

Brand photography is so important. You use those photos throughout your social media, you use them on your website, which is why it's so important to have them up to date. There is one thing that can make or break your live launch, and that is your marketing. It's how you show up and how you connect which depends on your imagery and how much consistency you have with your brand and communicate that to your ideal customer.

I have a full checklist of everything that I am talking about today for you. Go to tinatower.com/photo where you can see some examples of brand photography and also a whole packing list for your next photo shoot. 

Show notes: tinatower.com/126


Episode 125: Overcoming anxiety to perform at a high level

The latest episode of Her Empire Builder podcast has just dropped, and it’s all about my personal journey with anxiety, and how I’ve learnt to overcome the overwhelm when it all gets too much.

Being business owners, anxiety is inevitable. It’s also something you shouldn’t run away from. I want you to remember that you are not alone and I want you to remind yourself that you are capable of being exceptional and stepping outside of your comfort zone. You have the power to see that anxiety, recognise it and work through it so that you can perform at a high level consistently and go and get your dreams.

Show notes: tinatower.com/125

Episode 124: How to live life unapologetically

In today’s episode of Her Empire Builder, I talk you through the 7 things I have adopted to switch my mindset and STOP apologising.

So often, we try and be all the things to everyone. Whether it’s trying to serve your customers at the 100% level, trying to be a great partner, trying to be a great parent, trying to be a great friend, and you're trying to get to the gym, and you're trying to say yes to all of the things, eventually you are going to have to say no. And suddenly, you feel guilty and say things like “I’m sorry, I just can’t do this”. You know what? It’s time for us to let go of the apologising because it’s a completely unrealistic expectation for us to carry around that we think we can do everything all of the time.

It’s time to set boundaries, so that we can do better and live a more joyful life.

Show notes: tinatower.com/124

Episode 123: How to recognise when you need a mentor and where to find one.

Today I get to sit down with the gorgeous Kelsey Chapman to discuss everything there is to know about mentorship in business and in life.

Kelsey is an author, podcaster and personal cheerleader to women building their dream life and business. When she first launched her own brand in 2015, she leaned on the shoulders of incredible mentors who took her under their wing and taught her how to make the jump from dreamer to doer. 

We speak about the difference between business coach and mentors, where to find them, how to approach them, and how long to work with them.

I’ve had business mentors throughout my entire business journey and one that I have had for 17 years who I still reach out to when I need advice or support.

Mentorship, masterminds, business coaching, anything that can surround you with a tribe of people that are in your corner is the most fabulous superpower.

Show notes: tinatower.com/123 

Episode 122: How to know when to grow your team to grow your business

As business owners, it's important for us to know how to do all of the things. From really complex strategic decision making, to knowing what our procedure is to answer the phone. However, we don't HAVE to do all of the things by ourselves. In fact, it's detrimental to ourselves and our business if we attempt to do all of the things. Our time is so much better spent doing the things we are good at, and creating more growth opportunity for our businesses.That's why team is so super important to give you the help you need. If having a team sounds overwhelming and hard, it doesn't have to be! This here is my small, but MIGHTY team, that helps me set the world on fire. Together, we successfully run a 7 figure business, and still manage to have really well balanced lives. We all care so deeply about the business, each other and our clients, and that my friends is the simple recipe to having a successful team. Find people that will lift you up, cheer you on and give you time back in your life so that you can spend it on doing the things you love most.


Episode 121: Get Your Online Course Content Written 10X Faster with Gina Onativia

Today I get to sit down with the incredible Gina Onativia, founder of Course Creation Boutique. Gina helps course creators cut through the confusion to get their courses done—and to market.

Gina has worked with some of the biggest names in the business, Amy Porterfield, Tony Robbins, Bo Eason, Jason Kennedy and Giuliana Rancic just to name a few. She has a wealth of knowledge about the industry, and shares so much gold for you whether you are at the beginning of your online course journey, or have been launching for years.

Show notes: www.tinatower.com/121

Episode 120: Why do we work so hard and everything else that's wrong with me

If you like the linear - 5 steps to xyz, this episode isn’t for you, hit skip! This one is a bit more of a deep one and look into entrepreneur psychology. I’m talking about the things that are, I say, wrong with me, but they’re more things that aren’t conducive to the life that I want to lead and so I’m trying to change that.

I will ramble and jump all over the place but my hope is that it helps you to examine your own entrepreneurial psychology and get the performance results that you’re looking for.

Tune in at all of the places you listen to your podcasts. 

Show notes: tinatower.com/120 



Episode 119: Behind a Canva template social membership with Kayla Butler

Creating content which adds massive value for your audience is a huge part of the online course business world. But, it takes a lot of time, planning, creating and implementing your content strategy!

Today I get to chat to the gorgeous Kayla Butler, CEO of Ivory Mix, where she works with content creators to improve their organic marketing and content strategies. Kayla believes success comes from simplification, imperfect action, and having fun.
I’ve been a part of Kayla Butler’s membership for about 6 months now, and it has saved me so much time in planning, creating and implementing my content strategy by using her Canva templates and beautiful stock photography.
In this episode, Kayla shares some absolute content creation & marketing gold, including the types of content you need to best suit your business model.
Gone are the days of aesthetically looking feeds, it’s all about high engagement, shareable and saveable content for your audience, giving them snippets in to who you are, what you do, and how YOU can best serve THEM.

Episode 118: Playing the long game of business

Business is filled with challenges and complex decisions. Playing the long game means sometimes having to give up some of the benefit now, in order to receive more later.

One of my favourite business quotes is “You need to do the things now that most people won’t, in order to live the rest of your life like most people can’t”.

In this episode I am talking about the benefit of playing the long game and looking after future you.

Show notes: tinatower.com/118

Episode 117: Key Metrics in your online business

This week on the Her Empire Builder Podcast, I am lucky enough to speak to the wonderful Bec & Joe Winston from “Need a System”.

Bec & Joe have spent the last decade learning about the importance of systemising your business. They help business-building couples with kids create and implement systems to achieve their ideal work-life balance. They love diving into the data to gain clarity, and leaning into your zones of genius to gain momentum.

Show notes: tinatower.com/117

Episode 116: How to build a million dollar online course business

Want to know the 10 things that will help you to create a million dollar online course business? I’ve got them all wrapped up for you so that it’s not a matter of if, but when.

In this podcast episode I am running through the 10 things that will make the biggest difference to your growth and some may not be what you’d think! 


Tune in at all of the places podcasts live. 

The podcast episode will tell you the “What you need to consider”. If you want the “How to do it”, check out my Mastermind where we’re all about helping you to create a million dollar online course business. 


Show notes: tinatower.com/116

Episode 115: Improving people's sales skills with Jo Blowfield

My guest this week on Her Empire Builder Podcast is one of my beautiful Mastermind members, Jo Blowfield. You will hear from this interview, that Jo is one of the sweetest gems that I am so very lucky to have in my orbit and yes, there is a point where we go in to a total LOVE fest - but I am so here for it! 

Not only is Jo a beautiful person, she is also a sales & marketing GURU, and has worked in the industry for over 20 years. She currently owns The Sales Mastery Company and The Marketing Company, which collectively helped over 10,000 businesses in over 20 countries make over $2billion in extra sales. Jo is a professional speaker, trainer, and toastmaster, and has contributed to her local community by being a Business Mentor with Business Mentors New Zealand for 15 years and advises several charities with their marketing, sponsorship and promotion. Jo also helps in running a soup kitchen in Mt Roskill, Auckland New Zealand.

When COVID hit, Jo faced a crucial moment in her face-to-face business, and in order to survive, pivoted in to the magical world of online courses. After joining Her Empire Builder 12 months ago, Jo had her first launch and made over $85,000 in just one month!

Jo shares her business journey, her growth, and some incredible tips on how to up your sales game, and how Her Empire Builder Mastermind has quite literally changed her life (and I didn’t even ask her to say that!)

Show notes: tinatower.com/115

Episode 114: Letting your voice be heard with Ronsley Vaz

Your voice deserves to be heard. It's the main message from my fabulous podcast guest this week, the incredible Ronsley Vaz. 

Ronsley's bio (which you'll see below) is an outline of awesome achievement, but why I wanted so badly to interview him is because he's such a beautiful and interesting guy. 

Our conversation goes in places I didn't expect and I'm in tears twice! 

We talk about his business journey and how you can grow your podcast. 

Ronsley is the founder of the award-winning audio marketing agency Must Amplify. He is also the executive producer of The Psychology of Entrepreneurship, & host of Should I Start a Podcast. Must Amplify is best known for helping leading brands, personalities & businesses raise their voice through podcasting, while positioning their message to stand out in a crowded market place.

Ronsley is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience to those interested in adding a podcast to their business profile. It’s that very passion that helped build his vast network of podcasting professionals all over the planet. Along with his team at Must Amplify, Ronsley produces the unique audio docu-series The Psychology of Entrepreneurship,This innovative podcast dives deep into the minds of creatives using research and data to explore complicated concepts.

As the executive producer and host of the show Should I Start a Podcast, Ronsley offers tactical advice and information to podcasting newbies and those curious about the medium. Along with his first podcast, the mega-successful Bond Appetit, Ronsley has been downloaded more than 5 million times across 133 countries. His TEDx Talk, “The Perfect Recipe for a Deep Conversation”, touches on his passion of exploring the world through his voice, and the voices of others.

Ronsley’s first book Amplify, has helped countless companies, organisations and business-minded individuals raise their voices while expanding their reach. To top that off, in 2015 he founded We Are Podcast, the first podcasting conference in the Southern Hemisphere. 

This annual event brings together the most extraordinary, inventive people and companies in the podcasting world. Ronsley’s overall message, above all else, is to use your voice. And he does everything he can to make sure everyone knows how.

Tune in and get all of the links we talk about at tinatower.com/114 

Episode 113: How to not crap your pants when you're live launching a course

All of us in the online course game know this feeling! You get set for launch and all of the self doubt and weight of expectation sets in and you wonder whether you’re going to become a proven success or a big giant loser! (laugh face) Launching is so much fun, but it’s also filled with emotions. 
The doors to Her Empire Builder Mastermind open next month, and I've just finished setting up everything for the launch. Even though this is my 15th live launch, I still get an overwhelming feeling of emotion. So, this episode is not only for you, but also for me - to remind me to continue to show up with positive BIG energy, not crap my pants, AND most importantly HAVE FUN.
Too often we get stuck in our heads. We need to remember to just LET GO of the judgment. There is no point in taking up any brain-space with the fear of expectation, because other people’s opinions do not matter, especially when we know that we have done the ABSOLUTE best we can possibly do.
I want to know, what emotions do you battle during launch? And after listening to this episode, what are you going to let go of? 
Show notes: tinatower.com/113

Episode 112: Mastering your money mindset with Fairien Azeem

My guest on the podcast this week is the fabulous Fairien Azeem - the money coach to money coaches! Fairien is a multi award winning financial professional who brings money, substance, experience & sophistication with the ‘woo’ in a down to earth fun and fabulous way. Fairien has over 20 years experience as a financial educator, wealth strategist and business coach, and has combined all of that together, into a program that helps people to slay their money fears and to serve other people as well.  We talk about Fairien’s business journey, from traditional business to online, and she also shares some huge tips in changing your money mindset, which I know you will absolutely love!

Find Fairien at: www.fairienazeem.com.au

Show Notes: tinatower.com/112

Episode 111: How to scale your business using PR & get the visibility it deserves with Lauren Salaun

Lauren Salaun is my guest in this weeks episode talking about the importance of PR, visibility and influencer marketing for your business.⁠ We hear about Lauren's story of how she left the PR corporate world burnt out & stressed, to designing the life she wanted to live by creating her own online business & running courses like, The PR Accelerator, through Kajabi. ⁠ ⁠ 

Lauren then shares some absolute PR gold for you to implement straightaway for your business to get the visibility it deserves!!

Show notes: tinatower.com/111

⁠ Find Lauren: laurensalaun.com⁠ ⁠ 

Episode 110: Positive affirmations for awesomeness

What you say to yourself makes such a huge difference! I've put together a very special podcast episode for you that isn't just me talking about the benefits of positive affirmations, but a full recording of what I say to myself! 

Just want to listen to the affirmations and get your head in the game? Jump to 11:04 in and the 7 minute affirmations track will start. 

We talk to ourselves constantly and it's often not that wonderful and stops us from doing what our heart truly desires. This episode will tell you all of the things you deserve to know. 

You are amazing. 

If you want the full list of affirmations, I've made them into a gorgeous printable for you, just head to tinatower.com/110 

Let me know, what is your favourite affirmation?


Episode 109: Traditional business to online courses with Melissa Browne

Melissa Browne is my guest in this weeks episode talking about how you can increase your financial awareness to look after future you. We also go into Mel's business journey and how she went from a multi-million dollar traditional business into the wonderful world of online courses. Her course Financial Adulting Plan is open now!

Show notes: tinatower.com/109

Find Mel: melissabrowne.courses

Insta: @moremoneyforshoes 


Episode 108: Welcome to 2021

Welcome back to Season 3 of the Her Empire Builder podcast! I'm so happy to be bringing you another year of awesomeness. In this episode I am running you through the insights from our Team Tower planning day and how we're ensuring to build in periods of rest so that we can slow down to speed up. Click here for Show Notes.


Episode 101: Creating a Winning Lead Magnet

A good lead magnet or opt in can change the shape of your business. You can have tons of vanity metrics and followers on social media, but the one key metric that makes the biggest difference in sales is the size and engagement of your email list.

The most effective way to build a highly engaged email list is with a gold standard lead magnet that is high value that your audience absolutely loves!

A lead magnet is an exchange. It’s saying, "Hey, I’ll give you this piece of beautiful value in exchange for your contact information so that I can market to you." But of course, in much more eloquent language.

I'm taking you through the steps in today's episode. If you want NEXT LEVEL, go to tinatower.com/challenge and spend 5 days with instructional video and interaction to design your perfect lead magnet.


Episode 100: Celebrating 100 episodes! 

Oh my gosh - this is the 100th time I've hit the 'record' button on my podcast. I'm so grateful to all of you who have listened, learnt and of course, taken massive action in the direction of your dreams. 

Thank you for tuning in each week. It's a true honour to deliver you this podcast and I love being able to share insights and interviews with people who are kicking butt in this wonderful world of empire building. 

Today, I'm celebrating 100 episodes and also sharing with you the changes and evolution that's happened in the podcast and my business since I hit go on that very first episode in 2017. 

Happy listening! Cheers to the next 100. And if you want to give me a special 100th episode gift, please jump on and leave a review x

Episode 99: How To Pitch Yourself As A Podcast Guest 

Being a guest on a podcast is an incredible way to be able to share your knowledge, get exposure to a new audience and to add massive value to people who may not know you yet. It can be hard to know where to start when pitching yourself as a podcast guest so today I have an amazing guest to give you tips and tricks to allow you to step into the light you we’re born to be in.

Christina Lenkowski is a forward-thinking publicity strategist and educator for online course creators, service providers and coaches looking to expand their credibility, bring in new customers and go from “best-kept secret” to “go-to expert” in their industries.

During her 13 years of PR agency and consulting work, she helped clients earn spots in print publications like Martha Stewart Living, Sunset, Reader’s Digest, and Big Life, and online coverage in MSN.com and TravelChannel.com, among others.  Christina herself has been featured on websites like Medium.com and CEOHacks.com. She’s been a guest on podcasts, including Health Coach Nation, Launch It Girl, Hustle Like a Mother & The Destination Marketing Podcast, as well as helped her clients get booked on many others.  She has spoken on stages at conferences throughout the US, and lives in Boise, Idaho, USA, with her husband and daughter. https://www.publicityxchristina.com/

Instagram: @publicityxchristina

Episode 98: How to turn your dreams into reality 

This week I moved into my dream house and it got me thinking about the process of daring to dream, and then the action that needs to be taken in order to make it a reality. 

In this episode, I am sharing the steps that I consistently take to turn my dreams into plans and what it takes to get to your own version of success. 

Episode 97: Using Pinterest to build your business with Amber Peterson

Pinterest hasn't been high on my radar for year but I just keep hearing about it! So I got in Pinterest expert, Amber Peterson, to tell us all about it and how we can optimise Pinterest for conversions. 

Find more about Amber here: https://cheersconsultinggroup.com/

Episode 96: Showing up and serving at a higher level

There can be so much fear around showing up and letting your light shine. As I've grown in my business, I am constantly coming up against limiting beliefs that are keeping me small. In today's episode, I'm talking through the fears that I've faced and what I'm doing to work through them.

Episode 95: Selling Through Webinar With Colin Boyd

On today’s episode I have my friend and coach, Colin Boyd and he’s sharing all of the wisdom on selling through webinar and increasing your confidence on camera.

Colin’s course is one of the best I’ve ever taken and helped me hugely in my presenting. He’s kicking off a free live training series next week and if you’re wanting to improve your speaking, this will be absolute GOLD! You can register at the link in my bio or go to tinatower.com/colin

Episode 94: Getting over crushing disappointment

Disappointment in business and life is inevitable. I had a set back this week and I'm talking you through how I deal with that in order to make my resilience muscle stronger, and bounce back into positive action.

Episode 93: Vocal and Body language Coach Dr Louise Mahler on presenting with confidence

What sets her apart is her winning mix of body language, vocal intelligence and mental patterning to coach executives to deal with difficult, and often hostile, daily scenarios such as stressful boardroom confrontations, media interviews and staff interaction.

Show notes: tinatower.com/93

Episode 92: Behind the Scenes of a 6 Figure Mastermind Launch 

In the past two years I have been launching courses on Kajabi and last week, had my most successful launch ever as I introduced my Mastermind to the world. 

In this weeks episode, I run you through what you should be considering when planning and running a limited online course launch. 

Show notes: tinatower.com/92

Episode 91 Business Masterminds - Why you need to be a part of one 

Why go it alone and take longer and go through more pain when you can take the short cut to success and learn from those who have walked the path ahead of you. 

Empire Builders Mastermind is open today >> Apply at herempirebuilder.com

I also run through some other masterminds that I've been a part of and how you can choose the right one for you.


Episode 90 Tracy Harris - The evolution of a digital business by design

I am so stoked to be bringing you an absolute legend today. You know when you first come across some people and then they’re everywhere, that’s what it was like when I met Tracy Harris. We had lots of friends and connections in common but hadn’t crossed paths and then I finally got to have my first conversation with her and I tell you what, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone before who oozes so much love and warmth in everything she does. If you follow her on instagram you’ll know what I’m talking about, and it’s all real.

While Tracy is known as the instagram expert and we do definitely talk about that in this episode, I am so intrigued by people’s business journey’s and how they got to be in the gorgeous position that they’re in today and so we go in depth with the evolution of her business and how she went from a classroom teacher to having on of the top online businesses in Australia. I did get caught up and lost track of time so this episode is longer than normal, but I tell you what, had I not glanced at the clock, I would have kept going another hour! She’s just lovely to talk to and a bundle of knowledge and I know you’ll learn so much from this conversation.

Tracy Harris is the CEO of the Mums With Hustle online community and education platform for mums in business, creator of the online Instagram course, Hashtag Hustle, and Founder of the online marketing academy, The Social Method Society. She is fiercely dedicated to supporting big-hearted women wanting to design their life first and business second – by harnessing the superpower of Instagram as part of a complete digital strategy. One that aligns with who they are at their core and one that sees them creating their own version of success.

Find Tracy: https://mumswithhustle.com/


Episode 89 Coffee & Coaching - When to pull the plug on a good idea 


Today I'm talking about how to look at each activity in your business and questions whether it's bringing the most value to your customers and helping you achieve your goals.


Episode 88 The first chapter of ONE LIFE to celebrate 2000 copies!

I am celebrating today! You know, we make goals and we boldly go after them and sometimes we hit them and sometimes we don’t. One of my biggest life goals was to write a book and in November 2019, my first book ONE LIFE, How to Have the Life of your dreams, hit book stores and it was, I think, one of the proudest moments of my life.


Episode 87 Coffee & Coaching - Advice for changing strategic direction of your business

In this weeks episode of Coffee & Coaching we're talking about how to make strategic decisions and do scenario planning. 


Episode 86 Kate Toon - A Misfit Entrepreneur & some SEO 

Today I am joined by one of the funniest humans I know, Kate Toon. She’s hilarious and a kick arse business owner with so many iterations of how she’s done it throughout the years. We talk everything from motivation, to online course launches, Search Engine Optimisation to killing off products and services that you love.

Kate Toon is a writing entrepreneur, as well as a popular coach, speaker, author and podcaster. She’s also a mad good hula hooper.

Her digital education businesses The Recipe for SEO Success and The Clever Copywriting School have helped more than 8000 small business owners grapple the Google beast and write better content.

Kate runs Australia’s only dedicated annual copywriting conference COPYCON.
She presents at events around the world and runs several hugely successful Facebook groups.

Author of the popular business self-help book Confessions of a Misfit Entrepreneur: How to succeed in business despite yourself, Kate lives on the Central Coast of Sydney, where she loves wandering on the beach with her son and her CFO (Chief Furry Office-dog) Pomplemousse.

Enjoy this episode with the wonderfully interesting Kate.


Episode 85 Coffee & Coaching - Moving past gender limiting beliefs

On the back of mothers day and my Grandma's 93rd birthday, I'm talking about the benefits of women led companies and letting go of social norms and conformity to design your own version of life and dream big and go after it.


Episode 84 Coffee & Coaching - Consistency is the key 

We can get all excited in business and go off in fits and bursts. But the thing that makes the biggest difference is constant, conscious consistency. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Keep doing that and one day you'll wake up and realise that all of your dreams have come true.


Episode 83 Taking your offline business online with Hannah McDonald.

Hannah is one of our clients who we started working with about 6 months ago to introduce an online element to her offline business. I wanted to share Hannah’s story with you because it’s one thing to hear from all of these people who are years and years down the road, but it’s so valuable to hear the beginning and get the lessons raw and in real time and in today’s episode, Hannah is generous enough to share with us what that experience has been like taking an offline business online and the things that have worked and the things that are easier said than done!

Plus, she’s one of the kindest and loveliest humans I’ve come across.

"Hannah fell in love with business and fitness, combining them to open BurnTheory 4 years ago. Burn has grown from a boutique fitness studio, specialising in barre, boxing, mindfulness and community, and taken this online to create their signature THRIVE online program. It’s all about creating a space together for women who love to move, sweat, stretch and strengthen - but actually also want a good glass of wine at the end of the day.

Hannah has created a killer fitness offering both online and offline, but also created a culture based around community, being real, supporting whole-self health, and a space where real-world women thrive.”

Hannah is the creator of Burn Theory www.burntheory.com.au


Episode 82 Biting off more than you can chew.

I am always one for biting off more than I can chew and then chewing like crazy. I think it's the only way that you can get out of your comfort zone and do all of the things that you've never done before. In this episode I'm talking about how to push past the overwhelm and just go for it!


Episode 81 Talking Reinvention.

In this live recording I am talking about how vital it is to be open to reinvention. There's times in our lives when we want to go through transformation, and there's times like right now, where we have no choice but to reinvent.


Episode 80 The importance of breath with Angelina Saunders.

We all breathe to stay alive, but how often do you stop and take note and use the breathe to control your nervous system? Angie Saunders is my guest and she's going to run you through some breathing exercises, the science behind it, and how she's bringing her brilliance in breathing to the world. 

Show notes: tinatower.com/80

More about Angie: breatheme.com


Episode 79 Coffee & Coaching - How to start your own Podcast.

In this Coffee & Coaching episode, Tina takes you through the benefits of starting your own podcast and how you can quickly and simply get started. 

Get the free checklist here: https://www.tinatower.com/79


Episode 78 Coffee & Coaching - Between ON & OFF, Do what you can do, to the best of your ability.

As we navigate juggling all our usual separated roles into one at home, we are all feeling the pressure build. Let's together 'take the pressure down' and let me re-assure you that all of your emotions, mostly down at this time, are normal. Feel them, let the adjustment take place physically and mentally. Pause and take care of yourself. Then when you're ready to get creative, work on all those things that could improve your future now and at the other side of this time.
Coffee & Coaching is recorded live on facebook at 10am AEDT every Monday.
Watch Coffee and Coaching live https://www.facebook.com/TinaTowerAu/
Find more about Tina at tinatower.com


Episode 77 Coffee & Coaching - *LIVE* from Self Isolation

Coffee & Coaching is recorded live on facebook at 10am AEDT every Monday. 'Normal' is out. Negativity, Misery and Fear are all up . Making us all feel out of control. We can take ontrol of one thing though, 'Our minds' and plan for the future. I'm a planner by nature, but in these times of uncertainty it ironically can give you just that, clarity and certainty. From daily practices of meal planing, excercise, online courses or work if you can. Plan for when this is over, and preapre for the re-ignition of your business when it does.


Episode 76 How to get your business online NOW

There's no choice other than taking your business online right now. In this quick episode, I'm taking you through some of the things you can do right now to get your business online.


Episode 75 Coffee & Coaching - 5 things to future proof your business right now in these times of lockdown

Coffee & Coaching is recorded live on facebook at 10am AEDT every Monday. All right stop.. Collaborate and listen! 🎶 Today I'm discussing my top 5 actions to keep your business not only going but growing amidst this lock down we are all in or affected by.


Episode 74 Coffee & Coaching - The importance of social proof and scarcity mindset

Coffee & Coaching is recorded live on instagram and facebook at 10am AEDT every Monday. Today's session we're talking about everything happening in the world right now, it's a great time to look at the behaviour of humans and how we can use some of that in our own business marketing. The world is a weird place right now, keep calm and be kind to one another.

Episode 73 The Smart Property investment show crossover with Phil Tarrant

This episode originally appeared on the Smart Property Investment Show with Phil Tarrant. On this episode I am candidly sharing my investment story, how a first home owner grant oversight majorly backfired, and why it became difficult to get finance after travelling with her family for a year. Phil and I reflect on the taboo nature of talking about money, why open and honest conversations on this topic can be helpful, even though it's crazy uncomfortable.



Episode 72 Coffee & Coaching - Thriving under pressure

Coffee & Coaching is recorded live on instagram and facebook at 10am AEDT every Monday. In business it's going to be inevitable that we will encounter periods of intense pressure and unfortunately, the responsibility is all with you. We need to be able to quickly diffuse adrenalin from our bodies so that we can do big things and get on with the job we're here to do.

Episode 71 How to show up on Video with Rebecca Saunders

We all know how valuable video is! I am a massive fan of the quick connection that you can make with video and I want to encourage you to show up confidently! So today I'm interviewing an absolute video guru. Rebecca Saunders is a video expert, visual impactor, video strategist and entrepreneur with a passion for building brands with visual impact. Through consulting, workshops, speaking and video production services she works with her clients to build online visibility, stay relevant and drive ROI. Since moving to Australia in 2012, she has built nationwide production company ‘Deli Agency’, opened a bespoke film studio ‘Pyrmont Studio’ and launched online video training platform ‘Vlog School’. She has a team of ‘ninja’ videographers behind her, and regularly works with Individuals, NFPs and large organisations to create video content to drive impact.



Episode 70 Coffee & Coaching - Staying away from shiny objects to focus!

It's so easy to have optimism at the beginning of the year when we're pumped about all of the things that we can do. Then, throughout the year, distraction, opportunities and shiny lights take our focus away. Today, I'm talking about maintaining that focus to build your business and your profit. Coffee & Coaching is recorded live on instagram and facebook at 10am AEDT every Monday.


Episode 69 How to hire the right person

In a small team, every human you employ is so important and precious. Today, I'm going through the process that I use to hire rockstars in my business.



Episode 68 Coffee & Coaching - When to expand your team

As a small business, it's always a huge decision to invest in a new team member. Today I'm running through some checks you can do in your business to know when and who is best to serve the next stage of growth in your company. Happy team building!

Coffee & Coaching is recorded live on instagram and facebook at 10am AEDT every Monday.


Episode 67 How to publish your book with Kelly Irving

If you've ever wanted to write a book, this episode is for you! Today I have book coach superstar, Kelly Irving. I've got Kelly answering all of your questions about where to start, how to get over writer's block and the big beautiful business implications of getting that book that's sitting in your head, out into people's hands. Read more...


Episode 66 Coffee & Coaching - Inbox management to stay sane and productive!

The email inbox is one of our most utilised tools, but it can take up soooo much time, make us reactive and hijack our day so easily. Today I'm sharing some simple tools and tips for inbox domination to claim back your productivity. Coffee & Coaching is recorded live on instagram and facebook at 10am AEDT every Monday.


Episode 65 Can we actually be our best self?

This episode is deeply personal. I'm running an experiment this year - to see if I can actually live my life as my best self. It's starting with the goal of losing 20kg and making better decisions in all of the areas of my life. Being your actual best self is exhausting, it takes massive discipline. But I am interested to see what happens when I actually do all of the things, even when I don't want to.



Episode 64 Coffee & Coaching - Diving into fear to get results

We never know what we're capable of until we're brave enough to dive into fear and discover whether we're going to sink or swim. Today's Coffee & Coaching session is live from my kids swimming carnival and all around me are children battling nerves and fear and confidence is building all over the place. As adults, we have to remember not to lose our childlike willingness of experimentation and dive in and start kicking. Coffee & Coaching is recorded live on instagram and facebook at 10am AEDT every Monday.


Episode 63 Creating connection and community through facebook groups with Angela Henderson

Today I talk with Angela Henderson about creating connection and community through Facebook groups. As a business consultant/coach, she helps women business owners get all the pieces in place to have 5 figure months and then onto 6 figure years without burning out in the process.



Episode 62 Coffee & Coaching - Creating your weekly social media marketing plan

Coffee & Coaching is recorded live on instagram and facebook at 10am AEDT every Monday. It can take so much time to wonder each day what you should be posting on social media and how to get great engagement and results. Today's session explores how you can run a repeat plan to grow your business through social media


Episode 61 Increasing engagement through instagram with Emily Osmond

Today on Her Empire Builder I have the gorgeous Emily Osmond. I had been seeing Emily around and was getting more and more interested in what she does. She’s an absolute ray of sunshine and an instagram marketing expert and that sunshine totally shines out of her.



Episode 60 Coffee & Coaching - Naming Your Business & Services

Coffee & Coaching is recorded live on instagram and facebook at 10am AEDT every Monday. Today's session we're talking about all things NAMES. Entity names, business names, program names, domain names, social names and IP. If you've wondered what you should be calling everything, tune into this episode.


Episode 59 Reviewing last year to create your BEST YEAR EVER

Welcome to Season 2 of Her Empire Builder! I'm kicking off with episode 59 - covering the whole process I use to review the previous year and to set goals that actually turn into reality for the coming year ahead. You'll find the workbook to accompany this episode here.



Episode 58 How to recharge over the holidays and plan an epic 2020

This season can get a little crazy and emotional. Today, instead of talking about how you can do goal setting and planning for 2020, I am talking about how you can really maximise your time over the holiday period to rest, recharge and refocus. Then, when the podcast is back on 15th January I'll be going through the full planning method for 2020, and you can do it with a clear mind and a happy and refreshed heart. Thanks for tuning in to Her Empire Builder this year, I have loved delivering an episode to you each week and look forward to coming back in the new decade!



Episode 57 Behind the scenes of running a book launch tour

There's a lot of lessons from running a book tour across seven cities over two weeks! In this podcast episode, I'm sharing with you the preparations and some behind the scenes stories from what it was like to launch my book, ONE LIFE, around the country. Grab your copy here >>> onelifebook.com.au



Episode 56 Handling rejection

There's no getting around it - if you want to push your limits, you need to be prepared for a little rejection. In today's podcast, I'm going through how I bounce back from rejection and the self talk that I try to avoid so that we can move onwards and upwards in pursuit of our goals!



Episode 55 Cocktails & Coaching - Planning for 2020

Join Tina Tower on a recording of her LIVE Friday Cocktails and Coaching session. This week she will be talking about planning for 2020. For more Cocktails & Coaching, join in live on Facebook at 4pm Fridays (AEST).



Episode 54 Stepping into your feminine power with Genine Howard

Today feminine powerhouse Genine Howard is joining me! We are talking all about how to step into your light and really live the life that you love. Genine Howard is best known as magazine publisher and Feminine Leadership Coach. After decades in the media, Genine now heads up a movement to teach women to embody their feminine wisdom, intuition, and soul work so they can build impactful legacy empires. Her multi-media empire, PROFILE, champions and showcases women across the globe who are the epitome of fearless feminine founders. Find Genine at: www.profilemag.com.au and www.geninehoward.com



Episode 53 Cocktails & Coaching - Going in sprints

Join Tina Tower on a recording of her LIVE Friday Cocktails and Coaching session. This week, she's talking about going in sprints and all the valuable lessons that go with it.



Episode 52 The process of self publishing a book

It's LAUNCH WEEK! My book ONE LIFE is finally here, and today I thought I would pull back the curtain and let you in on the whole process of how this book came to life, how I have marketed it and how much it's all cost! If you've thought about writing a book, this one will be insightful.

Resources here...


Episode 51 Cocktails & Coaching - Making decisions

Join Tina Tower on a recording of her LIVE Friday Cocktails and Coaching session. This week, she's talking about making quick and quality decisions to avoid decision fatigue and procrastination.



Episode 50 Having a great money mindset with Clare Wood

Today I have a special guest, Clare Wood! We're covering everything from money mindset, balancing business and babies and her first course launch! Clare Wood is an action-orientated business coach and mentor, with a focus on mindset, financial success, and marketing strategy. She is a numbers nerd, an ex-Accountant (CPA), wrangler of two boys, drinker of wine, a gym junkie, podcaster, traveller and a reality TV fan. You can listen to The Clare Wood podcast where you love to listen to podcasts and find her at https://clarewood.com.au or at @clare_wood_coach on Instagram.



Episode 49 Cocktails & Coaching - Pricing your services

Join Tina Tower on a recording of her LIVE Friday Cocktails and Coaching session. This week, she's talking about pricing your services.



Episode 48: Overcoming disappointment

Sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose. In today's episode, I'm sharing the process that I use to bounce back when something falls short of our expectations. Disappointment is inevitable, but we are in complete control of how we respond to it.



Episode 47: Cocktails & Coaching - Using your personal profile to build your company

Join Tina Tower on a recording of her LIVE Friday Cocktails and Coaching session. This week, she's talking about using your personal profile to build your company.


Episode 46: Five things to add $10k to your online business

For the online course creators among us, this one is for you. If you have thought about running an online course or you already have it launched, today is essential listening. I'll be taking you through five simple things to boost the revenue of your business before the year is done! Simple though, does not always mean easy, but we've got this. I also share with you at the end, an amazing offer for my Palm Springs Retreat! If you have the opportunity to come and immerse yourself in your business for a week with an intimate group of superstar women, believe me, your future self will thank you for it. And, the early bird offer is pretty crazy awesome!! www.tinatower.com/retreat



Episode 45: Cocktails & Coaching - Competition & Comparison 

Join Tina Tower on a recording of her LIVE Friday Cocktails and Coaching session. This week, she's talking about competition and comparison.


Episode 44: When you have too much to do, too little time

You know when you feel like there's just way too much to do and you don't have time to do all the things? Yeah, me too. This episode will run you through the process I use when I want to break all the records of what a human can get done in a certain time period and how I get back to the thinking of less is more.



Episode 43: Lindsay Rogers on creating a million $ business in one year at 25

Lindsay is the MD and co-founder of Chello, an agency that applies creativity to communication problems; connecting brands and people back to what matters most. At the age of 25, Lindsay Rogers left a dream career – to build the company she couldn’t have dreamed of.  Chello started as two co-founders. In its first year, it turned over a million dollars and reached over 45 clients – including an international airline. Since then the company has grown to over 20 people and more than 180 clients.

Episode 42: Sara Redman - Unlocking your potential to achieve high performance

Sara owns SRA Corporate Change whose purpose is to unlock the potential of organisations and their leaders to cultivate high performance. They work with leading organisations in their core business areas of strategy, leadership and culture. Sara’s personal and professional experiences have refined her approach to the many facets of people development. These experiences ensure clients receive genuine results relevant to the way in which we live and work today.


Episode 41: Kirsty Dunphey - A multi-millionaire by 25, Kirsty talks investing & property

Kirsty Dunphey grew up immersed in an entrepreneurial wonderland: parents who had their own businesses and rental properties, who escaped the rat race and retired in their 30’s and who enveloped her in that culture working in their businesses from a young age. Kirsty has delivered keynote speeches around the world and heads up a number of businesses most notably her new mortgage and finance broking company Up Loans.


Episode 40: Valerie Khoo - Unlocking the creative potential you may not know you have

Valerie Khoo is founder and CEO of the Australian Writers’ Centre, which is Australia’s leading centre for writing courses. She now combines her love of storytelling with her passion for art and managed a second career as a professional artist. She has also been appointed as the City of Sydney’s Curator of the Chinese New Year Festival 2019, the third-largest annual event in Sydney (behind NYE Fireworks and Vivid) and the largest celebration of Chinese New Year in the world outside of Asia.


Episode 39: Elizabeth Abegg - Taking Spell from a market stall to a $1 million month

Elizabeth Abegg is one half of sister-duo that makes up Byron Bay fashion brand Spell and the Gypsy Collective. Elizabeth drove the label into a global business by embracing the blogging and online shopping world. Spell & the Gypsy Collective was awarded the 2016 Australian Business of the Year at the National Telstra Business Awards and finalists of the Cosmo Women of the Year Awards 2017 in the Designer Category.


Episode 38: Leanne Haining - A masterclass in creating a business and brand to stand the test of time

Sit back and take a listen to this gorgeous woman be so open about what it’s like to travel the world for years being foot loose and fancy free and then thrive in the serious world of raising a family and growing a business. Leanne Haining is the Creative Director of bath, body & home fragrance brand, Urban Rituelle. Having their products stocked in over 1000 boutiques in Australia, Leanne has learnt the art of adaptation and innovation throughout the changing seasons of business.


Episode 37: Growing businesses and changing lives with super entrepreneur Jacinta McDonell

Jacinta McDonell is an absolute unicorn of a human. She’s incredibly cool, fierce and also the most kind and generous person you could imagine. Jacinta launched the US franchise Anytime Fitness into the Australian market in 2008. An entrepreneur and a mother of 3, Jacinta now focusses on The Human Kind Project, a not-for-profit foundation that funds life changing projects in Africa and India & a new style of yoga studio, W1LL, with every purchase supporting a human in need.

Episode 36: The twists and turns of a family run business with Pamela Jabbour

Pamela Jabbour is the CEO of Total Image Group, Australia’s leader in the uniform industry dressing over 250,000 people a day. She’s super successful and the business is 13 years old but it hasn’t always been that way. It took her 12 months to sign the first client after making 100 calls a day! Persistence anyone? We talk about how she handles the pressure of a rapidly growing business and stay sane working so closely with her loved ones.

Pamela Jabbour is the CEO of Total Image Group, Australia’s leader in the uniform industry dressing over 250,000 people a day. She’s super successful and the business is 13 years old but it hasn’t always been that way. It took her 12 months to sign the first client after making 100 calls a day! Persistence anyone?

Doing what many people find astronomically difficult, she employs a large staff which also includes her father, brother and a good friend.

We talk about how she handles the pressure of a rapidly growing business and staying sane working so closely with her loved ones.

Episode 35: One of the country’s top accountants talks money and smashing the glass ceiling, Leanne Hegarty

Leanne Hegarty is a Partner within KPMG working with large private and family owned businesses and high net worth individuals. She’s also been my accountant for nearly 10 years & is the smartest woman I know. In today’s interview she talks about what it’s been like as a woman rising up in a traditional male dominated industry when so many deals take place on the golf course. How she bought her baby to work, how she runs marathons to stay sane and the money mistakes that you could be making.

Leanne Hegarty is a Partner within KPMG working with large private and family owned businesses and high net worth individuals.

She’s also been my accountant for nearly 10 years so I know what an incredible woman she is. In today’s interview she talks about what it’s been like as a woman rising up in a traditional male dominated industry when so many deals take place on the golf course. How she bought her baby to work, how she runs marathons to stay sane and the money mistakes that you could be making.

Leanne has been advising clients for more than 25 years and has her own businesses as well.

She is unique in her view that business owners cannot be viewed in isolation of their business and any work must be done in parallel to achieve the goals of the individual and the business. Imagine the stories of all of the interesting people she knows!

Episode 34: Sel Watts on living your life your way, unapologetically

Sel is a serial entrepreneur, a mum of 3, a lover of NYC and Gary Vaynerchuck in a massive way and an all round incredible woman. In this episode we touch on how Sel has defined her ideal life and unapologetically lives it, even though it sometimes goes against societal norms, how she deals with having her husband as an employee and the experiments, wins and losses that have made her into the formidable business woman that she is today.

Known to many as Sel, Sue-Ellen Watts disrupted the HR industry over 17 years ago when she launched her business wattsnext from home and has grown it into a National company, one of the largest of its kind in Australia.

Sel is a serial entrepreneur and I’d recommend also looking up Scrappi, Your Secret Sauce and Zzoota.

She’s a mum of 3, a lover of NYC and Gary Vaynerchuck in a massive way and an all round incredible woman. In this episode we touch on how Sel has defined her ideal life and unapologetically lives it, even though it sometimes goes against societal norms, how she deals with having her husband as an employee and the experiments, wins and losses that have made her into the formidable business woman that she is today. Please enjoy this incredibly honest and inspiring chat with my friend, Sue-Ellen Watts.

Episode 33: Tina Tower interviews her children on mother guilt & leaving them to go to work

This week are my two favourite guests, my children. I started my business before my children were born & get asked way too often if my children are ok because I work and have a career that I love and how I juggle it all. Mother guilt serves no one and does nothing except invade your happiness and slow down your progress. Please forgive some answers, after all, my interviewees are 8 & 9 years old. I’d love to hear your thoughts on Instagram and Facebook or pop over to tinatower.com.

This week on the podcast are my two favourite guests, my children. I started my business before my children were born so they’ve never known a mum without it. I get asked way too often if my children are ok because I work and have a career that I love and how I juggle it all. Unfortunately my husband never got asked if our kids were ok when he worked full time and so the guilt that I was somehow doing something wrong, always feel on me.

It’s often women that ask the question because they too are trying to work out how to get passed their own #motherguilt but the guilt serves no one and does nothing except invade your happiness and slow down your progress.

My children told me after our interview that questions like “What is it like having a mum that works full time” seemed silly because they’ve never known any different and that’s completely normal to them. But that’s the whole point. Children will think whatever their situation is is the normal one. Mine, (which I cringed when they said it) think that dads should all stay at home and look after their children if the mum goes to work, but that’s because it’s their situation.

As my 8 year says, “All we need is love and care”. So if you’re a mum carrying around mother’s guilt, I hope this helps you stop today.

Whatever your situation, whether you work, don’t work, have a side business, have a massive business, it’s the right one for you and your life.

Please forgive some answers, after all, my interviewees are 8 & 9 years old. I’d love to hear your thoughts on Instagram and Facebook or pop over to tinatower.com.

Episode 32: Suzi Dafnis: How to have success last a lifetime

There’s lots of people that have a small success and call themselves an entrepreneur. Suzi Dafnis has done what many people dream to do, she’s been a successful entrepreneur for DECADES! Now the CEO at HerBusiness, she took over from its founder after successfully exiting her previous business, Pow Wow Events. A long time internet marketer and an expert in event management, online marketing, social media and presentation skills. Find her at @suzidafnis http://herbusiness.com/

There’s lots of people that have a small success and call themselves an entrepreneur. Suzi Dafnis has done what many people dream to, she’s been a successful entrepreneur for DECADES!

I first saw Suzi speak at a Robert Kiyosaki seminar when I was at uni and then met her when I first started my business at The Australia Business Women’s Network. No other woman in business has made a more consistent and long lasting impression on my life and business. She is truly remarkable and one of the most wise, generous and awesome kick arse women I’ve ever met.

Suzi Dafnis is the CEO at HerBusiness and Chairperson of its Advisory Board.

Suzi has been involved with the business since 1995. In 1998, she took over from its founder after successfully exiting her previous business, Pow Wow Events and has since managed and grown the community. She remains its media spokesperson and a champion of women in business.

A long time internet marketer, Suzi has been doing business online since 1994. and is an expert in event management, online marketing, social media and presentation skills. She’s passionate about education and shares information with other women through keynote presentations, podcasts, videos and webinar presentations.

Suzi is also one of those cool crossfire people, loves personal development, travel and red wine.

Find her at @suzidafnis

Episode 31: Justine Teggelove on thriving in a male dominated environment

This week I’m lucky enough to talk to Justine Teggelove, an absolute powerhouse in the construction industry. We’re pretty sure she’s the only woman founder & operational CEO of a commercial construction company and we’ll be talking about how she thrives in that environment as well as the advice she has for you in investing in property and renovating your home, managing your team and your own emotions and her big business and new business. Justine is one of the founders and CEO of Rodine.

This week I’m lucky enough to talk to Justine Teggelove, an absolute powerhouse in the construction industry. We’re pretty sure she’s the only woman founder & operational CEO of a commercial construction company and we’ll be talking about how she thrives in that environment as well as the advice she has for you in investing in property and renovating your home, managing your team and your own emotions and her big business and new business.

Justine is one of the founders and CEO of Rodine. Rodine is a commercial construction company based in Melbourne with a national project portfolio for a multitude list of high profile clients. Melbourne International Airport, Westfield (Scentre Group), GPT and MCG to name a few.


Not to sit on her laurels, and noticing a gap in the market for female consumers in the building and property arena, Justine Co-founded Build In Common in 2017 which addresses empowering females to be well informed and confident consumers in the building and property market.

Justine had the honour in 2018 of being listed in the Australians construction industry Top 100 Women. She has also been nominated for Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year Awards in 2016 and 2017. Additionally to this, Justine was invited to attend a Business Chicks and Virgin Unite women’s leadership program on Necker Island in 2016 with Sir Richard Branson, Netflix Co-founder Mr Marc Randolph and other world leaders.

Episode 30: Matina Jewell: What the military taught her about life, love & leadership

I’m talking to Major Matina Jewell who really is like no other lady I know. This is a LONG episode but trust me, it’s worth it for the insights on resilience, leadership, working in a male dominated space & really just generally kicking butt in life. During her 15 year military career, Matti has earned 8 war medals, served with American navy seals, worked with the UN and tracked militia leaders. She also speaks 3 languages & was medically discharged from the army after breaking her back.

In this episode I’m talking to Major Matina Jewell who really like no other lady I know. This is a LONG episode but trust me, it’s worth it for the insights on resilience, leadership, working in a male dominated space and really just general kicking butt in life.

I actually met Matti after she spoke at A Commonwealth Bank Women In Focus event where she’d shared her story and everyone was left shocked, in tears and in awe of her strength.

After living quite close we were lucky enough to become friends and I got see how this incredible military human weapon was also this beautiful suburban blonde haired, blue eyed mumma. So different from ten years ago as she was working to capture war lords and restore peace in third world nations.

During her 15-year military career she:

  • Earned eight war medals,
  • Completed the physically demanding Navy divers course,
  • Served with American Navy Seals,
  • Tracked militia leaders in the Solomons,
  • Boarded smuggler ships in the Arabian Gulf and,
  • Was posted as a peacekeeper with the United Nations in Syria and Lebanon.
  • Has a Masters in Project Management
  • Speaks 3 languages
  • Represented Australia in two sports
  • The only Australian to ever receive two Republic of Lebanon war medals in combat and the Lebanese war medal for acts of bravery on the battlefield.

Medically retired, Matina served on the Prime Ministerial Advisory Council and continues to champion change for injured war veterans.

Among many honorary roles, Matina is a founding Ambassador for ‘Project Thankful‘, a movement partnered with the United Nations to help empower women and children globally.

Matina has been featured on the ABC’s Australian Story, is a best-selling author of the book 'Caught in the Crossfire' and her life story is currently being made into a feature film.

So yeah, just totally your average Australian Female! :)

Episode 29: Angela Ceberano: Building your profile through social media & PR

Angela Ceberano is one of those rare unicorn humans who is equal parts fierce strength and beautiful vulnerability. She's beautiful on the inside and out and has built an incredible PR company, Flourish, by breaking traditional moulds and backing herself. In this episode, Angela talks about leaving the comfort of a corporate job to go it alone, on building a business and dealing with anxiety and how you can get the most out of your social media marketing.  http://www.flourishpr.com/

Angela Ceberano is one of those rare unicorn humans who is equal parts fierce strength and beautiful vulnerability. She's beautiful on the inside and out and has built an incredible PR company by breaking traditional moulds and backing herself. In this episode, Angela talks about leaving the comfort of a corporate job to go it alone, on building a business and dealing with anxiety and how you can get the most out of your social media marketing. 

At 28, she saw an opportunity to create a new-school PR agency that was obsessed and addicted to results.

Flourish began in February 2010 and the business has grown from a home office into a busy dynamic creative communications agency with a double warehouse based within Melbourne’s creative suburb of Collingwood.

Angela runs a dedicated team of publicists and creatives who are new school thinkers in the world of PR. 

Angela is also a content creator for YouTube and uploads content on business, fashion, tech & travel for her 30,000 loyal subscribers.  Angela also mentors upcoming #girlbosses and enjoys show-jumping with her horse Marco.

Episode 28: Diana Goodwin on Going Global: Growing a Business Internationally

If you've wondered about what it takes to build your business internationally, you're going to love listening to Canadian business superstar, Diana Goodwin. We met at the Dell Women's Entrepreneur Conference and I was amazed by how she uses technology to build her company with so many people spread far and wide.  Diana Goodwin is Founder and CEO of AquaMobile, an international on- demand at-home swim lesson provider with over 2500 instructors operating worldwide.

If you've wondered about what it takes to build your business internationally, you're going to love listening to Canadian business superstar, Diana Goodwin. 

We met at the Dell Women's Entrepreneur Conference and I was amazed by how she uses technology to build her company with so many people spread far and wide. 

Diana Goodwin is Founder and CEO of Toronto-based AquaMobile, an on- demand at-home swim lesson provider, the largest of its kind in North America.

AquaMobile has grown to over 2500 instructors operating across Canada and in 25 states in the U.S, and has been profiled in Forbes, Inc., Huffington Post and Techvibes to name a few. Diana has won numerous business awards including Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year, and the $100,000 Small Business Challenge. 

Diana is considered an innovator and thought-leader in “Bootstrapping”, finding the most cost-effective ways to market and scale her business model to over seven figures.

Episode 27: Keri Krieger: Optimising Your Health For High Performance

In short, Keri is a wellness magician! She's who I turned to when I had hit absolute burnout and she helped to put me back together. We talk about how to handle stress, burnout and to pay attention to our minds and bodies so that we can perform at our best. Keri is passionate to offer women a way to learn how to truly nourish themselves mind body and spirit to step away from over work, exhaustion, burnout and self loathing to experience personal peace, stillness and passion for life.

In short, Keri is a wellness magician! She's who I turned to when I had hit absolute burnout and she helped to put me back together. 

Keri helps women come home to themselves. In their practices. In their personal lives. In their bodies. She is passionate to offer women a way to learn how to truly nourish themselves mind body and spirit to step away from over work, exhaustion, burnout and self loathing to experience personal peace, stillness and passion for life.

Having spent over a decade working in health retreats around the world with a background in acupuncture and a deep knowledge of Chinese medicine. She has developed a unique treatment style called Rockupuncture; which is a delicious combination of acupuncture and hot rock massage. 

Whilst being brilliant as a ‘hands-on’ therapist, Keri also offers support, advice and guidance as a health coach with Executives and individuals coping with the overwhelm of ‘busyness’.

In this conversation we explore the practicalities of getting clarity on what and who actually matters in our world, in putting the expectations of ‘doing it all’ to the side, and learning how to say ‘no’ as a complete sentence. When the immediate needs are taken care of then Keri calls us to then be clear on what is your metric for success whether it’s a health metric, or an energy metric, or it’s a connection metric, it needs to be something that is relevant and important to you. Combat the anxiety and overwhelm with real, practical and honest strategies that work. 

Find her at www.kerikrieger.com

Episode 26: Jo Hurley - Kicking arse as a woman in finance

Jo is a self-made millionaire through building her Self Managed Super company, Engage. She's broken the mould on what it's like to be a woman in finance and shares her insights on money and new beginnings.

Jo Hurley (Cardozo) is an award-winning entrepreneur known for building her Self-Managed Super business “Engage” from start-up to sale.

She has recently returned to her start-up roots with the launch of her celebrant business Love Story Ceremonies.
In 2017, Jo’s long career in the finance industry was recognised when she was named the Women in Finance “Woman of the Year”.  

She is a passionate speaker and inspires many with her personal stories of resilience and determination as a working mum in the male-dominated world of finance.

Jo is a previous winner of the Telstra Australian Young Business Woman and is regularly invited to work with aspiring female leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, and students.

Find out more: https://www.facebook.com/lovestoryceremonies/ 

Episode 25: Cocktails & Coaching - Working in sprints and purposeful downtime

Join Tina Tower on a recording of her LIVE Friday Cocktails and Coaching session. This week, she's talking about the benefits of working in sprints and purposeful downtime, rather than a constant marathon run. 

Join Tina Tower on a recording of her LIVE Friday Cocktails and Coaching session. This week, she's talking about the benefits of working in sprints and purposeful downtime, rather than a constant marathon run. 

Episode 24: Growing your podcast by sharing your truth with Karly Nimmo

If you have a podcast or want to have a podcast, this episode is essential listening. I have the amazing Karly Nimmo, the podcast queen!

If you have a podcast or want to have a podcast, this episode is essential listening. I have the amazing Karly Nimmo, the podcast queen! 

Karly Nimmo is a No. 1 iTunes podcaster, with three hit shows; Karlosophies, Keeping Good Company (now wrapped) and Make Some Noise. She’s a serial entrepreneur, mad creator, born communicator and connector with a crazy knack for getting you to connect to your truth and see life from a different perspective.

In this episode we cover what you need to record a podcast, where you can do it, how you should edit and how you can grow and promote it.

Episode 23: Why you should go all in

This week is short and sweet (15 minutes) with me sharing the importance of getting over fear and going ALL IN! When you have the courage to try something new, you owe it to yourself to go all in. Be bold and do big things. Get over the fear, dream big, plan well and take massive action.

This week is short and sweet (15 minutes) with me sharing the importance of getting over fear and going ALL IN! When you have the courage to try something new, you owe it to yourself to go all in. 

Be bold and do big things. Get over the fear, dream big, plan well and take massive action. 

Episode 22: Playing big and branding bold with Suz Chadwick

Do you want to play big and brand bold? This week's podcast is for you! My guest today is Suz Chadwick, branding expert. Suz shares so many tangible tips you can implement for your brand. Get it in your ears today. Find Suz at theconnectionexchange.com

Do you want to play big and brand bold? This week's podcast is for you! My guest today is Suz Chadwick, branding expert. Suz shares so many tangible tips you can implement for your brand. Get it in your ears today. 

If you want clients clambering for your brand of awesome sauce or just more people saying "I just have to work with YOU", then you're in luck!

Suz Chadwick is business, brand and speaker coach taking your brand from basic biscuits to amazing ‘got to have' Tim Tam greatness.

As the founder of The Connection Exchange, the creator of the Brand Builders Academy and Brand Builders Lab podcast, Suz works with small businesses to help build their confidence to ‘THINK BIGGER', PLAY BIGGER and BRAND BOLDER. 

Partnering with both small and large businesses, she finds their wow factor, supports them to build brands with clear and powerful messages that connect with their audience and helps her clients to stand out and make their business the exception, rather than the rule.

Episode 21: Becoming an influential speaker with Colin Boyd

This week I have the incredible speaker extraordinaire, Colin Boyd. If you need to present in your business on video, webinar or up in lights on the stage, this podcast is a must for you. Colin goes over how to overcome fear and self judgement, how to communicate with your signature story and how to incorporate speaking into your business. Find Colin at colinboyd.co

This week I have the incredible speaker extraordinaire, Colin Boyd. If you need to present in your business on video, webinar or up in lights on the stage, this podcast is a must for you. Colin goes over how to overcome fear and self judgement, how to communicate with your signature story and how to incorporate speaking into your business.

Colin helps experts, course creators and coaches to speak confidently on stage to sell...without coming across pushy or sales-y. He’s obsessed with creating step-by-step strategies that anyone can follow to become both confident and powerful at speaking and selling on live stage, webinar and video. As a keynote speaker for over 10 years, he brings a depth of experience that few have to entertain and also move an audience to action. He’s best known for Sell From Stage AcademyTM which is the leading program for growing your business through speaking. He lives in Newport Beach California with his amazing wife and two little kids.

Find Colin at:

Main website: https://colinboyd.co/

Sell with Story Guide: www.sellwithstoryguide.com

Offer Transitions Scripts: www.transitionscripts.com


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